Friday, April 16, 2010
(4) Twitter / Home
<cite>(4) Twitter / Home</cite>: "
'Woe to those who decree unrighteous decrees',who write misfortune which they have prescribe to rob the needy of jobs now now..."
Friday, April 2, 2010
john e valadez (BighoUSeAmassco) on Twitter
<cite>john e valadez (BighoUSeAmassco) on Twitter</cite>: "
Here is the man who did not make God his strength.But trusted in his abundance of .'but I am like a green olive tree in the house of god;"
Emergency Jobs,Health,Safety,and free Scores act."Hogans Law"
Hogans Law "Emergency Jobs,Health and Free Scores Act."
We the People of the United States of America. Unite to Draft a Proposed "Hogans Law" Donate at Humanity for Habitat A Law to stimulate and create much needed Jobs. Native Navajo Americans called Hogans. A Sacred Place in respect of Mother Earth.(Article 1a)Cities with Populations over one Hundred Thousand. To Innovative and implicate a Blueprint of a Smart Solar Grid .Public Schools, Hospitals, Emergency Services,Routes to Synchronize to the U.S Interstates Highways. Infrastructures Source of Power for All major,Freeways, Highways, Emergency Service Routes. Retro and Convert Streets to Smart Street Optics. A recycled rubber with solar collectors and Satellite Guide Optics for smart driving vehicles.Imagine Electric cars that drive them selves.Blue tooth recharges your vehicles while you drive.GPS Smart tolls tracks your driving for different tolls.The revenues would pay for Health care Schools and many other needed programs.Owner of Earthworks inc.Peter Palomino and his firm is working on Prototype .Black Top that once paved in a loop becomes a Smart Solar Street." A large Solar Panel.Lamp, Lights,Signs with Smart Solar Panels , Click to Help Create Jobs and a Safer . At select Freeways,Expressways,Parking's Garages connected to Battery stations.Every One hundred square miles Rest Stops Install Smart Battery's for the solar street grid Stations tolls of One dollar Exceptions,three or more Passengers or non Petroleum fuels. Banks holding Foreclosed Homes fees of One Hundred Dollars unless Weatherization has been approved.When the Census is out in the Community's.Information on latest Solar Roofs .Every One Square Mile Roof Replacements To Solar and Fees for those who had not complied with Weatherization .Creative lottery Gov. Sponsored Lottery To cover Health Care and Schools Roads Bridges etc. Oil Company's and Trucks that deliver fuel at Tolls ,Twenty-Dollars .Convert Government Vehicles to Electric Cars that Travel less than 20 miles a day in rural areas,such as U.S Mail trucks ,Social Workers ,City Services ,Parks etc.Drive only U.S Built Electric cars or Alternative fuel ed Vehicles.Implicate a Green Point Fund System.For those effected bye Tolls or new Taxes get discounts at Merchant Stores,Get Green Rewards Buy products Eco Friendly neighborhood .Wall-Mart Businesses that participate,Benefit with Tax Credits.Business rewards. Our Towns where Emergency Services don't have always depend on Utility Company's.This would Protect Jobs,Environment.and Americas Power Grid . A less likely Target.Also Bankers, that have Vacant Foreclosed Homes a fee of one Hundred Dollars a day.Unless "Restorations of Individualism,Semonole ,and classic design" to Weatherized or upgrade Energy Efficient. "I am a Levi-rate " Restorations Contractor From ca,Val-Con Builders inc.Twenty years of building in the Central Valley.Yes I was effected By the Economy. Hard Hit By Modesto,Ca .I was Inspired by Our President Obama.Inherited a mess He is Cleaning House the only one with a Broom in his Agenda.Cleaning up while others want to blame him For this Recession. In the face of adversary Fearlessly fights for every day Americans like me.The only President to give us health care ,No matter what the cost are Americans are worth it. I Think those who Oppose him Should get in or get out Unite for all Americans.Because together we can Keep America strong,and healthy for many generations to come .God Bless America.Hogans Law is a idea any suggestions please add after all its your law!" I will put my law in their minds and write in their hearts.I will be their God,and they will be my people." Author of Hogans Law !"God Bless my family and yours."
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