Monday, May 31, 2010
green laws now valadez ,and pallin oil companies lets talk - Google Search
<cite>green laws now valadez ,and pallin oil companies lets talk - Google Search</cite>: "
Valadez was in plainclothes when he was shot in the head and leg about 12:15 Monday morning. ...... On Friday, when Governor Sarah Palin was announced as John McCain's ..... Because that price is what oil companies will say is the reason for ... The talk is right now that Bloomberg might jump into the race in the ..."
+valadez, john 14th district,republican green laws now - Google Search
<cite>+valadez, john 14th district,republican green laws now - Google Search</cite>: "
How do I vote for laws to create jobs? � Answer by ... - 2 visits - May 262010 Modesto district 14 Vote for me 'John Valadez for Congress'. I'm only excepting campaign donations from green business that are promoting jobs. .. . - Ca"
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Emergency Jobs,Health&Securitys ,FullScores Act 2010.Hogans Law.Infrastructure. |
<cite>Emergency Jobs,Health&Securitys ,FullScores Act 2010.Hogans Law.Infrastructure. |</cite>: "
We the People of the United States of America. Unite to Draft a Proposed 'Hogans Law' (Article A1) Developed Smart Solar Solutions A non profit company for the people .A place of information and services with one goal connect people with real Solar and Wind Solutions,Government up dates,grants and loans,Educational training for a new workforce.The bridge is going to help make real change the opportunity is now we cannot return to our old ways we must learn from the current events.1bDonate to Smart Habitat Solutions at time our nation gives the Natives a holiday for their part in the invasion of the Americas there time has come."
Friday, May 28, 2010
FuturePundit: New Solar Photovoltaic Cell Efficiency Record: 42.8%
<cite>FuturePundit: New Solar Photovoltaic Cell Efficiency Record: 42.8%</cite>: "John E Valadez future pundit, founder and author of " Smart Solar Solutions "Future technological trends and their likely effects on human society, politics and evolution."
Read Message - CreateSpace
<cite>Read Message - CreateSpace</cite>: "
Confirmation of Account Set up Sent on May 28 2010Dear john valadez,Thank you for signing up with Create Space! Your account number 565326 was created today and is available at From this page you can track the status and sales of your titles.Want to get started? The next step is to click on the 'Add New Title' button on your Member Dashboard and get your first title ready for sale.Have a question? Many issues can be resolved quickly by visiting again for choosing Create Space!----Please Note: this e-mail message was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming e-mail."
Thursday, May 27, 2010
SuperPower Report for john e valadez
<cite>SuperPower Report for john e valadez</cite>: "
Your mind is your most valuable asset; you could be an intellectual. The world of ideas is important to you. Intellectual companionship, seminars, books, magazines, films, and educational cassettes interest you. Feeding your mind is just as important as feeding your body. School can be the place for you."
SuperPower Report for john e valadez
<cite>SuperPower Report for john e valadez</cite>: "
Good ideas can spring from any conflict you experience between your thinking and your values. You have a somewhat different approach to love. Educate yourself to the power of charm.To me John e Valadez."
Sample Personalized SuperPower Report
<cite>Sample Personalized SuperPower Report</cite>: "
Sample Personalized Super Power Report In-depth Personal Profile 'All about you.'Your personalized Super Power Report is a natal reading with a unique, upfront presentation of the most important astrological information about you, followed by A interpretation of the planetary positions and aspects at your birth. A characteristic upbeat style and empowering advice make this report an enjoyable guide to a greater understanding of your authentic self. Like an executive summary, the consolidated information in this 12-chapter report examines the most powerful aspects influencing you in all the key areas of your life."
smart solar solutions - Wiktionary
<cite>smart solar solutions - Wiktionary</cite>: "
Smart solar solutions definition from Wiktionary, a free dictionary Jump to: navigation, search Building the bridge to bring solar power to the people.John Valadez of Green Zone Solutions writes in his book.Sunny and Breezy.Chapter 1 pg 6."
Job: Conduit | LinkedIn
<cite>Job: Conduit | LinkedIn</cite>: "
John Valadez .Visionary, Entrepreneur and Political inspirations,Servant of the lord big hoUSeA -ancient knight,Green Laws now!See all John's activity �"
Emergency Jobs,Health&Securitys ,FullScores Act 2010.Hogans Law.Infrastructure. |
<cite>Emergency Jobs,Health&Securitys ,FullScores Act 2010.Hogans Law.Infrastructure. |</cite>: "
Developed Smart Solar Solutions A non profit company for the people .A place of information and services with one goal connect people with real Solar and Wind Solutions,Government up dates,grants and loans,Educational training for a new workforce.The bridge is going to help make real change the opportunity is now we cannot return to our old ways we must learn from the current events.1bDonate to Smart Habitat Solutions at time"
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Amassco House of Green.
"Washington, D.C. - Embracing the success and character of small businesses in the United States, President Obama issued a proclamation for National Small Business Week for the week of May 23-29. While our government cannot guarantee success, President Obama said, it can ensure that entrepreneurs have the foundation they need move to forward in today's changing economy."California"s Val-Con Builders inc. dBa Ama solar solutions. A Eco green superstore in the making! John Valadez of Modesto Ca.writes in is book "Sunny an Breezy". Chpt 2 pg 21 "Laws must be created in order for real change to come in the new green economy.Green Jobs Now supporter.Author and owner of Smart solar Solutions.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Twitter / Home
<cite>Twitter / Home</cite>: "
Central valley's top rated Own A Car of Modesto under new Management J.Valadez 4 congress used car sales build your trust 1 car at a time."