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Green Business

An Online Com

Who joins?

  • Angel investors in search of socially responsible ventures
  • Entrepreneurs looking to grow their businesses
  • Journalists looking for interesting ideas
  • Marketing firms and PR representatives
  • Entrepreneurs looking to start a new business
  • Professionals looking for employment
  • Consultants looking for clients
  • Those looking to buy or sell a green business
  • Executive recruiters
  • Traditional businesses

munity for Eco Entrepreneurs

Business is the only mechanism on the planet today powerful enough to produce the changes necessary to reverse environmental and social degredation.  -Paul Hawken

An Online Community for Eco Entrepreneurs

Welcome to This Community is filled with like-minded entrepreneurs and professionals who understand the unique challenges and opportunities presented by running and working for a green business.
Here you can share your thoughts, learn from others, brainstorm, develop partnerships, share best practices, generate ideas for new businesses, network, learn what is working for others, discover cost saving practices, forge alliances, refine strategies to increase profits, get feedback, and much more. (Click here for a list of Frequently Asked Questions.)

A Real-Life Story

If you check out the About Us section on this site you'll see what first inspired the idea of an Online Community for Green Business. However, what you won't see is the real-life story that finally made me decide to go for it.
I used to work for a company called Red Jellyfish where I had the opportunity to communicate with other green business professionals. One January, I received an e-mail from David Taylor of (not yet live). He works for a family and employee owned organic market in Florida.
Over the years they had built up quite an organic wine selection and were going to begin selling their 200 plus labels of organic wine online. They were asking for any in-sight as to the cost involved in building a site suitable to their needs. A design firm had given them an estimate of $20,000. David wrote us to see if they were in the ballpark.
I would have previously agreed that the estimate seemed reasonable. However, several months earlier Red Jellyfish had contemplated opening an online store of our own. We spent dozens of hours researching and discovered a company that would create an excellent custom store for under $5,000.
In the end, we decided not to move forward with our own store, but when David e-mailed us I instantly remembered the company we had discovered. I referred David to them, and after checking out their online portfolio, he decided this company would be perfect for their needs.
So, by spending just a few minutes communicating by e-mail with another green business professional, David was able to save his company $15,000.
That was when the full potential of the idea really hit home. How many more success stories similar to this would be possible if we all communicated, shared ideas, and helped one another?
Quite a few, I think. And that is why, with great excitement and hope, I'm proud to present
- Jason Trout
P.S. I hope you'll join us and then share your success stories!

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