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Saturday, October 30, 2010
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Friday, October 29, 2010
Amassco Knowledge.
Amassco House of Green Knowledge and Products. Opportunities and Challenges that Americans face doing business with China.
Published: October 15, 2010 in Knowledge@Emory“China recently became the largest exporter of goods in the world, and its economy is the second largest in the world,” says Jeff Rosensweig, an associate professor of international business and finance at Emory University’s Goizueta Business School.
“Companies can’t afford to ignore it,” continues Rosensweig, who will moderate a panel discussion on November 1 when the National Association of Chinese-Americans (NACA), Emory University, and other sponsors host a U.S.-China Business Conference in Atlanta entitled “Catalyst for Growth.”
With China’s consumer market of 1.3 billion people, and 15 million more born each year, it’s more than just a slogan, say conference organizers and Emory faculty.
The November program will lead off with a close look at China’s growing economy, to be followed by a global executives forum that examines ways companies can build an integrated China-global strategy.
“A successful China strategy needs to be a one-world strategy that incorporates a strategic global plan for doing business in which China is a central and integrated component,” explains Steven Gu, a senior associate in the mergers and acquisitions tax practice at the Big Four accounting firm KPMG and one of the conference coordinators. “During this first session, top executives like The Coca-Cola Company senior vice president Clyde C. Tuggle will share their insights.”
The U.S., which currently fields the largest economy in the world, “is the largest exporter of services and, because of our substantial lead in services, is still the leader in total exports of goods and services,” says Rosensweig, who also serves as director of Goizueta’s Global Perspectives Program. “China will join the U.S. as the world's only economic and trade superpowers, and our growing business linkages could be a fulcrum for the 21st century. Forums like the upcoming U.S.-China Business Conference are vital to forging these important business and commercial links.”China’s ‘Green Energy’ programs—will open up numerous opportunities for engineering services, parts suppliers, and other firms in the U.S. and elsewhere.”
Contrary to what some people may think, “the opportunities in the China trade are not limited to large firms,” observes Gu, who is also senior vice president of NACA. “That’s demonstrated by the growing demand for consumer products in China, like a recent online sale conducted by—China’s version of eBay—in which 205 brand new Mercedes Benz Smart cars were sold in less than eight hours.”
Opportunities also exist, Gu adds, as China embarks on several huge infrastructure projects and continues to invest heavily in advanced transportation technology, recognizing its importance in driving economic growth.
“One such project is a high-speed railroad from central China to Hong Kong [comparable to traveling from Chicago to New York in four hours or less] that is being sourced through international as well as domestic providers,” Gu says. “This and other initiatives—including
But he warns that many multinationals already have a strong foothold in China, “so now is the time for smaller firms to get in too, while the opportunities are still there and the market entry barrier is still relatively low.”
Turning to other opportunities, Rosensweig notes that China’s appetite for growth will be spurred in part by its huge labor force.
“China will continue to have the world's largest labor force for many years,” he says. “Amplify that by the rise in educational standards, and the sheer demographic force of China's labor force will continue to reshape global business.”
Meanwhile, he adds, although the U.S. labor force may be much smaller than China’s, it’s still the largest among developed economies.
“That may come as a surprise to many people,” he notes. “But the U.S. labor force is projected to grow every year for the foreseeable future and will help to maintain the U.S.’s relatively strong global economic position. It will also place the U.S. in a good position to be both a consumer of China’s goods and a supplier to the Asian nation’s growing consumer market.”
Gu notes that although China has long been seen as a low-cost competitor to the U.S. and is currently involved in a dustup with the U.S. over the yuan’s currency valuation, China’s demographics point to an increasingly valuable market for American companies.
But as the U.S. approaches midterm elections, the combination of political heat and a soft economy are helping to generate a significant level of acrimony surrounding Sino-American relations, Rosensweig notes.
“The level of discourse regarding restricting trade, primarily through various forms of protectionism, is on the rise,” Rosensweig says. “I do not think it will come to anything, because the relationship is too important to each side to jeopardize, but there is a lot of anger in the U.S. regarding the Chinese policy of intervention to keep the yuan cheap, effectively reducing the world price of Chinese goods and spurring that nation’s exports. That, combined with its low-wage workforce, is driving an increasing number of U.S. companies to reduce their domestic workforce and outsource more activity to China.”
But the situation is actually more complex than it appears, he continues.
“There can be little argument over the impact of China’s low costs and relatively low wages,” explains Rosensweig. “And even though China's wages are rising, they are not climbing fast enough to make U.S. workers price-competitive with Chinese ones. Thus the pressure from the U.S. for China to raise the relative price in dollar terms of its labor by allowing its exchange rate to strengthen.”
Nonetheless, some industries still retain a “comparative advantage” by being based in the U.S., he says.
“These segments, such as agricultural products, are enjoying heavy export growth, albeit from a low base. Furthermore, China is a big importer of certain commodity products.”
While he’s optimistic about the future of trade with China, Rosensweig points out that U.S. companies should carefully explore the China market before they commit significant levels of resources to it.
“Some U.S. firms set up operations in China years ago and have yet to realize a profit,” he cautions. “They find that the market, although teeming with people, may not yet be teeming with consumers for their products. U.S. companies may also find that the lack of respect for their intellectual property rights can jeopardize profits.”
But these concerns don’t mean that firms should not expand to China, Rosensweig adds.
“Many have done it successfully,” he says. “It just means being wary, exercising patience and staying power, and resisting the hype of ‘selling to 1.3 billion consumers.’"
U.S. companies that engage in due diligence and proceed with caution may see a jump in exports to China “as its citizens become wealthier and their demand for consumer staples and luxury goods increases,” Rosensweig observes. “As China’s middle class expands, individuals will likely demand more from service industries where the U.S. already leads, like tourism and MBA education. The upcoming conference is a good place to get a foot in the door to prepare for this potential wave of opportunities.”
Conference panel topics will address opportunities and challenges in green energy industry, venture capital, the debt/equity market, taxation and intellectual property protection, future trends in energy technology and policy, and various methods for building marketing strategies targeted at Chinese consumers and for enhancing the marketing techniques of Chinese companies abroad. Panelists will include top business leaders like Ed Cunningham, managing partner of US Renewable Energy Group; Peng “Jeffrey” Zhao, president of Mingyang’s Wind Power Technology Company; and Andrew Ng, senior director of Wal-Mart Stores Inc.’s international M&A tax group.Amassco Stores director John Valadez green go between. for clean energy laws.
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Thursday, October 28, 2010
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U.S. Congress - Blog Articles for S.3706 Americans Want to Work Act
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S.3706 - Americans Want to Work Act
A bill to extend unemployment insurance benefits and cut taxes for businesses to create hiring incentives, and for other purposes. view all titles (4)All Bill Titles
- Official: A bill to extend unemployment insurance benefits and cut taxes for businesses to create hiring incentives, and for other purposes. as introduced.
- Popular: Americans Want to Work Act as introduced.
- Official: A bill to extend unemployment insurance benefits and cut taxes for businesses to create hiring incentives, and for other purposes. as introduced.
- Short: Americans Want to Work Act as introduced.
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PUBLIC RECORDS DETECTIVES JOURNAL: Debbie Stabenow "The Americans ...
Americans must stay faithful. "Iunctus nos sto, tribuo nos cado." "United we stand, divided we fall." Call your Representatives, condemn foreign production and outsourcing, support bill S.3706, tell Debbie Stabenow to follow through. ..Did you find this article useful? Your opinion counts - together, we're finding the very best news and blog coverage about Congress available on the web.
Sustainable Prosperity and the American Dream | The Murninghan Post
In August, Nevada Representative Shelley Berkeley filed HR 6091, and Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenaw introduced S. 3706, The Americans Want to Work Act, which would extend emergency unemployment benefits. But what is the sustainability ...Source: The Murninghan Post
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FlashMobs4Jobs: From the front lines...
About Us. UWAG NYC/NJ: Please join our sister site, the Unemployed Workers Action Group for a 99er forum, the latest 99er news, and our Take Action page that gives you all the info you need to support S.3706! View my complete profile ...Source: FlashMobs4Jobs
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Unemployment Extension: Will A Tier V Be Discussed In The Senate ...
Just before the Senate left for recess Debbie Stabenow tried to bring S.3706 America Wants to Work Act to the senate floor for a vote but was shot down by Senate colleagues. This new tier would benefit in states with an unemployment ...Source: US Financial Post
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[VIDEO] Unemployment Extension Benefits Needed As Jobless Claims ...
On September 30, S.3706-”The Americans Want to Work Act” bill -which would have extended up to 20 weeks of benefits to the 99ers – was blocked from an up or down vote on the Senate floor by Senator George LeMieux (R-FL). ...Source: Adan News
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Debbie Stabenow And "The Americans Want to Work Act" : a lesson in ...
Debbie Stabenow And "The Americans Want to Work Act" : a lesson in futility. Debbie Stabenow introduced "The Americans Want to Work Act (S.3706)" along with cosponsoring Senators and then they all went on a vacation. - PR11003214.Source: Family - Latest News
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US Unemployed Blogsite: Sign This Petition!!!! The Americans Want ...
The Americans Want to Work Act (S.3706) Tier 5 and Jobs Bill..... · Petitions by|Start a Petition ». Posted by Editor at 6:11 PM. Labels: 99ers Petition, Americans Want To Work Act. Sign This Petition! ...Source: US Unemployed Blogsite
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Reach Out-Job Search: Grassroots Unemployment Groups, Come ...
Many unemployed job seekers, nationwide and within Michigan , was recently disappointed with the actions of Congress, when S.3706, the Americans Want to Work Act legislation, sponsored by Senator Debbie Stabenow (D- MI ) was blocked ...Source: Michigan Not Mexico
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An Online Community for Eco Entrepreneurs
If this bill (S.3706) would also include extensions for the eligibility cut-off dates for Tiers I, II, III, and IV past November 30, 2010 -- or whether that would be enacted separately • What timeline Stabenow is considering for the ...Did you find this article useful? Your opinion counts - together, we're finding the very best news and blog coverage about Congress available on the web.
65% Work Act Bill | Finance Ok
10 posts - 4 authors - Last post: 7 AugEntitled The Americans Want to Work Act (S.3706), the bill would: . Work Act] . • Extending COBRA coverage and the 65% subsidy until 2014,. For our statewide campaign, we will work to advance the ...Source: Finance Ok
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Amassco.: An Online Community for Eco Entrepreneurs
Home Register Log in Status and discussion of "The Americans Want to Work Act" (S.3706) - Tier 5 -20 weeks of additional benefit... Tito talks with Desani. tito nazar it's john and monica collect call for ear The Weekly Standard | A ...Source: Amassco.
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Amassco.: frankie
Home Register Log in Status and discussion of "The Americans Want to Work Act" (S.3706) - Tier 5 -20 weeks of additional benefit... Tito talks with Desani. tito nazar it's john and monica collect call for ear The Weekly Standard | A ...Source: Amassco.
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Amassco.: Untitled
Unemployment - News: "Senator Stabenow introduces The Americans Want to Work Act (S.3706) - 20 weeks of additional benefits for states above... An Online Community for Eco Entrepreneurs. Amassco.esto motorcycles/scooters classifieds ...Source: Amassco.
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The 405 Club · 99ers release a YouTube video: "We need a Jobs Bill ...
“We're dressing up and dancing around because we want to be entertaining, but we hope that people don't lose sight of the very serious situation we're in,” said Fitzner, “We need Congress to pass S.3706,” a bill that would extend ...Source: THE 405 CLUB
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Amassco.: Amassco proudects
Unemployment - News: "Senator Stabenow introduces The Americans Want to Work Act (S.3706) - 20 weeks of additional benefits for states above... An Online Community for Eco Entrepreneurs. Amassco.esto motorcycles/scooters classifieds ...Source: Amassco.
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Amassco.: Tito talks with Desani
Unemployment - News: "Senator Stabenow introduces The Americans Want to Work Act (S.3706) - 20 weeks of additional benefits for states above... An Online Community for Eco Entrepreneurs. Amassco.esto motorcycles/scooters classifieds ...Source: Amassco.
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Congress Will Have 7 Days To Reauthorize Jobless Aid; It Took 50 ...
There's already a bill for that--S.3706. msanonymous222: There's already a bill for that--S.3706. Permalink | Share it ...Did you find this article useful? Your opinion counts - together, we're finding the very best news and blog coverage about Congress available on the web.
S.3706 – Americans Want to Work Act | Unemployment Extension 2010
S.3706 – Americans Want to Work Act. Posted on October 6, 2010 by admin. OpenCongress Summary. This bill would add a fifth tier of unemployment insurance benefits in states with unemployment rates above 7.5%. The new tier would provide ...Source: Unemployment Extension 2010
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Help The 99ers: A Modest Proposal
We know that Senator Stabenow brought S. 3706 to the Senate floor, just as she promised to. She submitted a discharge resolution that failed to gain unanimous consent, thanks to the objection of Senator George LeMieux (R-FL). ...Source: Help The 99ers
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s-3706 oct 5 2010
Latest Action Aug 04, 2010Introduced in Senate Related Bills 24 & Issues The Tier 5 unemployment extension benefits bill S.3706 Americans Want to Work . HR3756 Unemployment Compensation Extension Act of 2009IntroducedOct 07, ...Source: FastSolutions
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Amassco.: Amassco
Home Register Log in Status and discussion of "The Americans Want to Work Act" (S.3706) - Tier 5 -20 weeks of additional benefit... ...Source: Amassco.
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Still No Tier 5 Unemployment Extension for 99ers: Vote Out ...
The Tier 5 unemployment extension benefits bill S.3706 Americans Want to Work Act is paramount to turning the country's situation around. Instead of giving priority to some bills which require less attention from the American voting ...Source: Dots Period
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education books : One Nation Working Together Rally… Thoughts…
Pass S.3706 “Americans Want to Work Act”, S.3816 Creating American Jobs and Ending Off shoring Act” Supported by Senator Bernie Sanders {I} and several other senators Vermont NOW & other bills… ...Source: education
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HuffPost Sanity Bus Official Sign-Up Form
Our legislative representative have no business being on a midterm election with so many bills in the bottle neck like S.3706, S.3816, and several other bills that were created to assist our economy, businesses and so much more. ...Did you find this article useful? Your opinion counts - together, we're finding the very best news and blog coverage about Congress available on the web.
A 99ers Tier 5 Unemployment Extension And a NOVO Movement Threat ...
On August 4, Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) introduced S. 3706 “the Americans Want To Work Act” bill, which would allow up to 20 additional weeks of unemployment compensation and a $2000 tax credit for businesses that hire the long-term ...Source: Your Career Resource
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Amassco.: Amassco.: Amassco
Unemployment - News: "Senator Stabenow introduces The Americans Want to Work Act (S.3706) - 20 weeks of additional benefits for states above... An Online Community for Eco Entrepreneurs. Practical Steps to Going ...Source: Amassco.
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Amassco.: An Online Community for Eco Entrepreneurs
Home Register Log in Status and discussion of "The Americans Want to Work Act" (S.3706) - Tier 5 -20 weeks of additional benefit... An Online Community for Eco Entrepreneurs. Practical Steps to Going Green ...Source: Amassco.
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Unemployment - News: "Senator Stabenow introduces The Americans Want to Work Act (S.3706) - 20 weeks of additional benefits for states above... An Online Community for Eco Entrepreneurs. Practical Steps to Going ...Source: Amassco.
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Amassco.: Tesla - Love Song
Home Register Log in Status and discussion of "The Americans Want to Work Act" (S.3706) - Tier 5 -20 weeks of additional benefit... An Online Community for Eco Entrepreneurs. Practical Steps to Going Green ...Source: Amassco.
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Amassco: An Online Community for Eco Entrepreneurs
Home Register Log in Status and discussion of "The Americans Want to Work Act" (S.3706) - Tier 5 -20 weeks of additional benefit... Unemployment - News. Unemployment - News: "Senator Stabenow introduces The Americans Want to Work Act ...Source: Amassco
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