Tuesday, August 10, 2010
American Smart Environmental Solutions ourhoUSeAmassco. | Environment | Change.org
American Smart Environmental Solutions ourhoUSeAmassco. | Environment | Change.org: "The U.S Government planning in a disaster is ongoing challenge of experiences that isn't welcomed .The economy is in disaster of its own. Mass loss of jobs.s. Recent earthquakes in Peru and Somalia are examples of what could happen anywhere any time. Preparedness is a strong point of our Federal Emergency Management Administration. If when a disaster strikes like Katrina or the attack of New York. or the oil spill in the gulf .We can never be to prepared. For a safer America we must have a Smart power plan to keep the lights, power,communications and surveillance's on. Power for emergency services to help the over all response teams. In case of power failure typically petroleum generators are used.These cost time and money. When people suffer like in the Gulf of Mexico because of the spill many jobs,lives and environment is effected.Our demands of oil is the real disaster.Lets vote for change and stop the vicious cycle. These safety power lights would create and sustain many needed jobs. The recovery of our economy and protecting the souls of the American people is a must."
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