Wednesday, September 8, 2010
House of Green.
We need to tell Murkowski and her Senate colleagues that this is not OK. Can you send a message to your Senators that it's time to end offshore drilling and focus on clean energy instead?
Send a message.
A Discussion with Paul Rogat Loeb about the new edition of his classic book, "Soul of a Citizen"
On May 25th our online director interviewed Paul Roget Loeb and discuss his new book, Soul of a Citizen, Living With Conviction in Challenging Times. To listen to the show just click on the play button bellow.
Stand Against Racism
The anti-immigrant racism we're reading so much about in Arizona flared into actual violence last week at our own affiliate's offices in Seattle. Marcelas Owens, an 11-year-old member of the group, said "I know we're on the right track because they wouldn't do things like this if we weren't as powerful as we are."
We *are* powerful when we stand together against violence and hate. The march for immigrant rights went forward as planned (see photo above).
Join us in sending a message to Arizona Governor Jan Brewer that real immigration reform doesn't include racial profiling and unjust search and seizure.
Sign the petition.
Sign here to create 1 million local jobs
This Great Recession has had a vicious double impact on local economies:
First, nearly 1 in 10 Americans are out of work. Second, the downturn has starved local governments of resources they need to fix potholes, hire teachers and keep cops on the beat.
But we can solve this problem and make our tax dollars do double duty by investing in public jobs that put people back to work.
President Roosevelt did it during the Great Depression with the Works Progress Administration. And now progressive champ Rep. George Miller has proposed the Local Jobs for America Act to put 1 million people back to work in the same way.
But with Congress just back from recess, we need a BIG show of support to create momentum and get this important bill a hearing. Click here to sign the petition and urge your elected officials to support the bill.
Sign the petition.
Creating jobs by fixing schools: an idea Obama should hear
President Obama at Elementary School Today announced the 10 Best Ideas to Change America, and WE WON!
Out of more than 2,500 ideas submitted and voted on by more than 100,000 people nationwide, our idea was picked as one of the ten best. But this isn't the end of our fight to create jobs by fixing schools; its only the beginning.
Next, we need to get the Obama administration to take up our idea and include a big, job-creating school repair plan in it's education proposals.
But time is short. The administration just rolled out a huge package of education reforms over the weekend. We need to make sure they see our big idea before those plans are finalized.
You can help: Sign our petition asking the Obama team to create 1.5 million jobs by fixing our crumbling schools.
Help save 2.5 billion
The $3.8 trillion budget that President Obama announced yesterday gives us a second chance to win the change in priorities we've sought for years.
Last year, TrueMajority members proved that sensible budgets CAN be achieved when we won a huge fight to end wasteful Pentagon projects like the F-22 fighter jet.
That victory saved billions of dollars that can now be used to build schools and restart the economy. This year we have a chance to save $2.5 billion MORE by ending the C-17, another plane we don't need. Tell Congress to stop building C-17s, and other Pentagon toys we don't need.
2009, A Year in Review
That's how long it's been since Barack Obama was sworn in as President. At the end of this first year, some progressives are feeling holiday blahs because we haven't won everything we wanted.
Remember our hard battle at the start of the year over whether to direct our tax money toward creating jobs and stimulating the economy? Won that one.
Here in my hometown construction workers are doubling the size of our overburdened community health clinic thanks to that stimulus money, and similar worthy projects across the country kept thousands of Americans working. ( support our work to rebuild and renew America's economy. )
Read entire message
How about the F-22 fighter jet? TrueMajority members have worked for years to end that wasteful project, and this July we won THAT one, freeing up $65 billion in Pentagon pork spending for more urgent needs. ( support our work for sensible budget priorities. )
Then there's healthcare. Progressives are still arguing over whether the current deal is good enough, and if there is a better strategy for winning more. But even the weakest deal under consideration, which already passed the Senate this weekend, will insure 30 million more people and outlaw insurance companies refusing coverage for pre-existing conditions. By any measure that's a victory for our side. ( support our work for quality, affordable health care for all. )
And yes, there is still a daunting amount to do.
A few days ago Rep. Alan Grayson of Florida read your petition opposing the escalation in Afghanistan on the floor of the U.S. House. Meanwhile we delivered the almost 100,000 signatures -- including thousands of TrueMajority members -- alongside veterans and other anti-war activists. (If you haven't already, check out the video of Rep. Grayson and some of the veterans we worked with saying 'THANKS' to TrueMajority/USAction members for their support.)
But our signatures alone aren't going to be enough. Progressive champions in the House are ready to oppose the $1 trillion cost of the escalation, but there simply aren't enough of them yet. We need your support to convince more members of Congress to demand an end to the war and a plan to bring everyone home. Donate now to make that possible.
In 333 days we've done some remarkable work, but we've also learned this year that the fight for change is a marathon, not a sprint.
Thanks again for a great year
-Ben, Chris, Darcy, Drew, Matt,
and the whole team at TrueMajority / USAction
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Look what you did
scene from the big DC protestWOW. What a day. You have to see what happened October 22nd, thanks to USAction/TrueMajority organizers and our Health Care for America Now coalition.
October 22nd was the big health insurance CEO conference in Washington D.C. Seven brave families confronted the CEOs who denied them care. They were backed up by hundreds of protesters, and tens of thousands of TrueMajority/USAction members.
But don't take our word for it - check out the videos from before and during the event to see what your signatures, donations and support made happen.
Check out the videos.
The Truth About Healthcare Reform
Dr. Howard Dean has been a physician, a governor, a presidential candidate and the head of the Democratic National Committee. If there is one guy in America who knows what's wrong with our healthcare system and can make sense of the current debate, it's him.
Listen to Monday night's show with Howard Dean by clicking the play button below.
"Senate votes to end funding for F-22 fighter jet" - USA Today, July 21, 2009
By now you've probably seen the news, but it's worth repeating: after years of work, this month we WON the battle to end the outmoded F-22 fighter jet.
That will free up billions of dollars in tax money, which can be available for projects which truly build America's strength. More importantly, though, the victory has shifted the playing field. Mere days before this historic Senate vote, the conventional wisdom was what it has always been: that you just can't kill a weapons program which defense contractors want. But t hen the program WAS voted down, by an unexpected bipartisan majority of Senators. And in a surprise announcement the very next day Rep. John Murtha, by most accounts the biggest player in the Pentagon pork business, said he wouldn't fight anymore for the F-22 jets.
The point is: the tide we have been swimming against for so long has turned.
Ben Cohen on The Colbert Report
Did you see our founder, Ben Cohen, on the Colbert Report? Click here to check it out. Unfortunately, the frisbee giveaway is over, but you can still sign up for We'll send you quick alerts letting you know what you can do to help make America better.
- Look what you did
- Stand with Melanie, not the insurance CEOs
- The Only Place Reform Could Die
- The Oreo Cartoon
- Operation: Cure the cabinet
- Ben's demonstration on how crazy our nuclear stockpile has become.
We started TrueMajority in order to compound the power of all those who believe in social justice, giving children a decent start in life, protecting the environment, and America working in cooperation with the world community.
If you want to be a part of this movement, just fill out the form and we'll sign you up. The amazing part is that it only takes a few minutes a month and it's free.
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