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Brainwashing Techniques: KGB vs. CIA

Historically, brainwashing techniques were sought for and sometimes created by numerous groups, organizations and cults. However, testing these brainwashing techniques required a lot of work and time. These were probably the reasons why there are two main brainwashing techniques (related to total mind control) that evolved during the 20th century: MK-ULTRA trauma-based brainwashing technique developed by CIA and seduction-based brainwashing technique invented by KGB agents.
Mind control involves clandestine techniques that can deceive and make the person do things that he or she would not normally do. For example, the brainwashed can murder other people, even family members, and then immediately commit suicide.
GULAG (abbreviation in Russian, Glavnoe Upravlenie Ispravitel-no-trudovykh Lagerei or Chief Directorate of Prison Camps in former USSR) - a system of labor camps run by Soviet KGB agents in the 1930'-60's, the largest world's laboratory for mind control experiments with over 10,000,000 "guinea pigs" sacrificed.
KGB (abbreviation in Russian, Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti or Committee for State Security in former USSR) - a secret service or state security intelligence agency of the Soviet Union. (Now it is called FSB or Federalnaya Sluzshba Bezopasnosti, but they are generally the same people in local areas.)
In 1994, Dr. Artour Rakhimov winessed numerous crimes, deaths and cases of brainwashing with total mind control in a cult organized by KGB-related people. Also, in 1994, he reported about these crimes to Russian and Western authorities, moved to Canada, and later became the target of these KGB agents (only a minor part of KGB).
Brainwashing Techniques: CIA MK Ultra Trauma-Based vs. KGB Seduction-Based
Study of brainwashing techniques by the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) was prompted by assassination of President J.F. Kennedy for mainly defensive purposes since his killer was likely brainwashed using the KGB method. However, CIA studies and their MK Ultra technique had their origins in the brainwashing techniques based on trauma. Such methods are described in the Egyptian Book the Dead (around 1550 BC), and were used by Illuminati (founded in 1776), secret societies, religious cults, and German Nazi.German Nazi were the first group that applied various brainwashing techniques on mass scale (thousands of people). Dr. Joseph Mengele of Auschwitz was the principle developer of the Nazi trauma-based brainwashing techniques. It is likely that Nazi methods later became the foundation of the CIA's MK Ultra brainwashing techniques and Monarch mind control method.

Once the handler starts to torture the victim, the brain of the future slave gets conditioned to extreme pain associated with the handler or controller. Therefore, development of multiple personalities (i.e., neuroticism) is the next step used by the masters to make the victim totally obedient. This step leads to creation of other personalities within the mind of the slave. These other personalities are ready to like and obey the master,
It is easy to understand why Nazi decided to choose this approach. Even before Nazi doctors and handlers tried to manipulate their victims in concentrations camps, these victims were already conditioned and had a negative attitude or even hatred towards their torturers (who probably already murdered some of relatives or friends of their slaves).
The situation with GULAG KGB agents and their victims was different. KGB agents dealt with the citizens of the Soviet State and the formal goal of the KGB agents was to use those methods that could make millions of "traitors" subservient to the Soviet State. The KGB agents, therefore, were formally presented as representatives of the Soviet national security, and the victims were social deviants.
However, the Soviet state and KGB persecutions of millions of ordinary people were based on paranoia of Stalin and people around him. Nearly 99% of GULAG victims were normal and innocent people. That means that, in most practical cases, these KGB agents tried to achieve total personal control over their victims in order to feel secure in relation to future behavior of the victims.

The brainwashed has down to only 3 breaths per minute at rest for basal breathing. That corresponds to up to 7-9 minutes for the maximum breath holding time testifying about ideal oxygenation of the body. For other physiological changes in the zombie, how to detect the brainwashed (with total KGB mind control), and how to avoid brainwashing, see the link below. It is not a surprise that KGB agents tried to kill the leading Soviet physiologist Dr. K.P. Buteyko several times (until they succeeded in 2003) since Dr. Buteyko was the person who explained all those profound physiological changes that take place in the brainwashed robots.
There are numerous examples (see below) how past and modern GULAG KGB agents (they should not be confused with Putin and central KGB in Moscow) use brainwashing techniques to organize suicide-murders, massacres, air disasters, explosion, arsons, and other criminal acts. Here are some of them.
Brainwashing techniques and 4 Suicide-Murders related to 2006 KGB Labor Camps Exhibition in Fairfax, VI, USA
Would you believe that the real users of total brainwashing techniques are happy when someone educates masses about the origins and history of GULAG KGB secret agents? In 2006, George Mason University, located in a small city Fairfax, Virginia, USA organized a public exhibition about GULAG labor camps. This was a totally unique event for the Western world (and for Russia too, where generally people do not want to talk much about GULAG, and the trauma bleeds and rules).In December 2005, the preparation to this exhibition was under way. The researchers were collecting evidence from Russia about GULAG labor camps (i.e., KGB's past). From December 2005 until November 2006, four suicide-murders took place in Fairfax. That was an explosion of such rare versions of crimes for a small area, as newspapers reported. More detail about these suicide-murders can be found on a separate page (see links below).
Now you can realize why so little (or next to nothing) is said or written about history of KGB, KGB agents, KGB GULAG labors camps, persecutions during Soviet times, and crimes committed with the use of the KGB total brainwashing techniques. Over 100 medical doctors were persecuted in Siberia by the same KGB GULAG secret agents for practicing the Buteyko breathing technique. (The Buteyko method can potentially produce the same physiological effects due to the maximum possible oxygenation of the human body, but the personal freedom remains intact.)
Terrorism and Activities of Gulag KGB agents (all web pages):
- Right after a small US university from Fairfax (Virginia) decided to organize an exhibition about KGB GULAG labor camps and educate the world about remaining world's largest group of mass murderers, there were 4 mysterious suicide-murders in a small county. Read more about Russian KGB agents and how they could set up these four 2006 Fairfax suicide-murders using fast seduction-based KGB brainwashing techniques leading to total mind control
- Terror Threat The main terror threat comes from fast seduction-based brainwashing techniques developed and widely used by GULAG KGB agents worldwide for acts of terrorism
- Mystery Murders, Suicides, Massacres, Plane Crashes, and many other tragic events are often designed by surviving GULAG KGB secret agents
- Brainwashing techniques: trauma-based CIA brainwashing techniques vs. fast seduction-based KGB brainwashing techniques in search for total mind control, including origins and failure of CIA's MK ULTRA and Monarch mind control methods. Do you know that KGB had dozens of brainwashing labs and millions of human subjects for development of total brainwashing methods?
- How to avoid brainwashing: Methods and techniques, physiological changes in the brainwashed people
- Mind Control and how KGB uses mind control to control minds of people worldwide
- Obama approval rating sharply fall after one weird death in 2009 (a Mexican Professor died days later after shakng hands with President Obama in Mexico City) and apperance of swine flu that Obama "brought" from Mexico to the USA and the rest of the world
- Obama vs. Zombies: How KGB agents use germ warfare (swine flu pandemic) and a murder to condition people against President Obama
- Lee Harvey Oswald: Brainwashed KGB Spy? Lee Harvey Oswald, the killer of President Kennedy (JFK), could be a brainwashed KGB spy, but not with the use of the seduction-based fast brainwashing technique with total mind control
- Toronto Yoga Teacher Probably Killed By GULAG KGB agents
- KGB Gulag leaders, mass murderers, still thriving in Siberia
- State terrorism in cases of acts of terror organized by GULAG KGB agents and their support by the Russian state
- Modern Siberian KGB - Gulag mass murderers modeled by 1974 Milgram experiment
- Psychological differences in modern attitudes to Holocaust and Stalinists’ repressions
- Milgram Experiment Explains KGB or Why remnants of Soviet Gulag KGB-FSB still murder people worldwide
- Russian Terrorism is based on brainwashing techniques that lead to total mind control and create an ideal terrorist who can kill others and himself
- Why the world is silent about Gulag KGB agents.
(May 16, 2012)
how come these people have such high CP growth? how are they able to bypass focal infection 'walls' and get super high CP?

(May 13, 2012)
Do you have any info on this mind control form? Does it use NLP and hypnosis only, or other things? I'm very interested in learning how to use hypnosis (on myself) to overcome food addiction and make myself exercise more. I read your books and understand fully HOW to get ideal reduced breathing pattern, but I lack the willpower. I have tried for many months getting close to a year now, and have made amazing progress but not enough.
I consider myself very skeptical and I've tried self-hypnosis many times and even tried to get other people to hypnotize me, it's very difficult for my brain to 'buy it'. I even tried it when I was very sleepy so that I would have less defenses but I still couldn't feel the things the hypnosis session was supposed to make me feel.. all the hypnotists just sound stupid to me..

(Jan 10, 2012)
Many people can safely practice a lot of RB and do other things to get high CP. It is a long topic, there are methods to accelerate the progress. I plan to write a manual about that.

(Jan 10, 2012)
Maybe i didn't explain myself well because my english isn't so good.
If there's another way to get high CP(2-3 min) in less than a day instead of months or years without others negative effects.. Well that would be amazing!
I don't need details about making human zombie and i don't have any bad intentions,im just curious.

(Jan 9, 2012)
DO you mean that you need to know all the details how to make human zombies? Why do you need these details?

(Jan 9, 2012)
Hello Artour, i read the whole article but didnt understand how KGB brainwashed get 7-9 min for max holding time in just several hours when it takes us practitioners to work several months.
I didnt get how KGB brainwashing technique works.
Thank you for sharing all this useful information with us.

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