Tuesday, November 30, 2010

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Tue Nov 30

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Senator Harry Reid | Working to help the Unemployed including the 99ers

Las Vegas, NV (Nov 29) – An unemployed Nevada  99er wrote to Senate Majority Leader, Senator Harry Reid, congratulating him on his fifth term win in the Senate explaining how they helped him with his campaign and now needed his help extending unemployment benefits for the thousands of unemployed  in Nevada.
Many of the unemployed went to the polls and helped the Senator win the mid-term election and now need his help with legislation addressing the unemployment extension request along with, adding a tier V.
Nevada has the highest unemployment rate in the country. H.R. 6419 will extend benefits for tier’s I, II, III and IV.  S3706 will add a tier V for an even longer term unemployed called the 99ers.  The following is the response the unemployed Nevadan received from Senator Reid today (Recipient’s name withheld).
Dear Friend:
Thank you for contacting me with regard to the extension of unemployment benefits. I appreciate hearing from you and assure you that I am working hard to enact policies that promote job creation.
It is clear that Americans continue to suffer from one of the worst recessions since the Great Depression. I am acutely aware of the impact that the downturns in the housing and financial markets have had on Nevada’s families. The phone calls, letters, and emails I receive each day have only furthered my commitment to providing meaningful relief to Nevadans facing economic hardships. Thousands of Nevadans and millions of Americans rely on unemployment benefits to support their families during these economic times. Families are struggling and now more than ever they need all the assistance they can get.
After multiple attempts earlier this year, the Senate was able to pass the extension of unemployment benefits on July 21, 2010. The legislation extended benefits for those who continue to qualify for the program. Unfortunately, it did not include additional weeks of benefits for the long-term unemployed. On August 4, 2010, the Americans Want to Work Act, legislation I co-sponsored along with Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), was introduced in the Senate. The Americans Want to Work Act provides assistance to long-term unemployed workers and incentives to businesses to encourage hiring unemployed workers. S. 3706 provides an additional 20 weeks of unemployment benefits to workers in states with unemployment rates of 7.5% or higher. Please be assured that I will continue to keep the best interest of Nevadans in mind as I continue to work in the Senate to address the needs of long-term unemployed Nevadans.
I appreciate all of my colleagues who continue to stand up and fight on behalf of middle-class American families and reaffirm our commitment to help America’s unemployed workers support their families through these difficult times. As we all work through these trying times, I assure you that I am fighting for Nevadans who need these extended benefits to provide a lifeline for them and their families. Please know that my thoughts are with all Nevadans who are struggling. As the Senate Majority Leader, I will continue to work with anyone and everyone in Nevada and Washington on solutions to create jobs and get our economy back on track. Again, thank you for sharing your concerns with me.
My best wishes to you.
United States Senator
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Posted by bhyatt Published on Nov 29 2010 You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0.
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15 Comments for “Senator Harry Reid | Working to help the Unemployed including the 99ers”

  1. I got the exact same letter. I wanted him to answet to the fact the the housing bubb;le and collapse were done purposefully and iintentionally and have joined a huge and growing group of aware citizens who have uncovered and have documented proof of the rampant fraud and lawlessness of the banks and the corrupt politicians and congressmen they own. Go to and start reading the information we have gathered. The dog and pony show we are getting and MSM information about problems in the foreclosure documents only tells a fraction of the story. Educate yourselves now. Even if you are not facing foreclosure, the banks did not properly transfer your NOte into the REMIC Trust they have to do by law, prior to securitizing the Notes. They also resold the same Notes several times. They have lied ot the SEC, IRS borrowers and investors. They caused this purposefully and intentionally. The letter I got from Harry Reid was the same form letter. It did nothing to address my concerns nor did he even look at the website and downloadable Guide with links to over 50,000 huors of research and documents regarding the fraud. Case Law, Law Review, law professor research etc. , or if he did look, is choosing not to comment. Please take a look at the website and if you are angry as I am, please write to your Sentaors, go to Opencongress.org and read the proposed bills and vote your mind, get involved, get educated.
  2. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Cary D Conover and Cary D Conover, WorldNewsVine. WorldNewsVine said: Senator Harry Reid | Working to help the Unemployed including the 99ers: Las Vegas, NV (Nov 29) – An unemployed … http://bit.ly/hvD0yI [...]
  3. JohnDavis
    I got the exact same response from a Senator in another state. That is a template that all the democratic senators are using. Their office assistants just copy/paste it and hit send.
  4. robert
    then why did he fillibuster 3706, why will he not allow the bill to be voted on?
    • The Prisoner
      The Prisoner
      Robert, no Democrat has ever filibustered any bill regarding unemployment. In fact, during the past two years when the Dems had the Majority in both houses, it was ALWAYS the Republicans who racked up the most filibusters in the history of the Senate! Harry Reid can only put the bill on the floor for a vote, which was done before the summer recess. It was blocked by ONE damn Republican! With little time left in the lame duck session, it only takes one Republican to either block or delay the bill from ever getting voted on. I’m not saying the Democrats are perfect, but when it comes to helping the Middle Class, the unemployed, and the freaking poor, it’s always been the Democrats who propose bills while the Republicans represent the wealthy. All we can hope for is a f#$@kg miracle now, if you’re a 99′er.
      • Tab
        This is all corporate/republican extortion/blackmail and presidential blackballing at it’s best. I AM ASHAMED TO BE A PART OF AMERICA RIGHT NOW. To the SOB who will most surely tell me “the leave”…. gotta dime?
        Am I the only one who sees Revelations in all this? The top ONE PERCENT now owns 90% of all U,.S. Dollars! Include with that the second part…. say the top 2% now…. owns 94 – 96% of all U.S. Dollars. Any republican voter making less than 150,000 a year have got to be the most ignorant, uneducated STUPID Fox News believing, idiotic negligent fools on earth. You just helped slit the throats of yourself, your spouse, your kids and the rest of the 98% of America. Welcome to suffering and actual slavery…. not like biblical slavery (employment), I mean slavery! No more choices in a few years folks!
        While the rich took your homes, and now they blackmail for jobs and 700 Billion dollar tax breaks which YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO PAY OFF FOR THE RICH ….. now, once they win this… when they hire you back, it will be at wages comparable to what they are getting in China….. then you get to pay them excessive rent with the puney wages they paid you.
        There are no miracles out of this folks. We’ve been had, but then it was written…. it is prophecy that this will take place. Until it does, we can’t be rid of the evil doers such as McConnell, Boehner, etc. But, the good part is…. we prevail in the end.
    • Brian Y.
      Brian Y.
      He had to block it because it didn’t have the 60 votes needed for passage. If the bill would have failed, it would have been dead. By blocking the bill it allows him to bring it back up again after he gains more support or it, and has the 60 votes needed.
  5. Donald
    No more free ride. Grow up and learn to earn your own living.
    • betty
      donald what makes u think people are sitting around waiting for a frickin umeployment check only not 2 know when it will end. if the republican were interested in you then they would not keep funding a wars in foreign, but put that money back in the usa whre jobs could be created. evidently you’ve been fortunate to keep your job. but other’s haven’t. another thing a lot people who need the V tier are people who lost their jobs at the ages of 49+ and are facing age discrimation not laziness.
      • Matt Schwartz
        Donald does not even have the gumption to come up with any kind of response to our counter-arguments. I will venture out on a limb and say that logic, ration, and reason cannot be easily defeated and he has thus been silenced.
  6. Barbara99er-GA
    We are never going to get any help with unemployment unless the government is forced to do so. In my opinion, Harry Reid has no intention of doing anything to help the unemployed. Just going through the motions. If we are to get any unemployment help it will come only after we get the government’s attention. We talk about it daily but we never do anything but talk. Please go to the link to sign your name and state (first name only) and put the address of your unemployment office so we can organize and form groups. We should have been doing this for month’s now and there would not be so many people out of benefits.
    We have set up a website. This is a start for state by state unity. Next we will start going from county to county, and city to city. Once we reach that point we would be able to organize active civil disobedience. Our new site is . When you get there go to the Organized Resistance page. We need as many people as possible to go to the site in order to get it into Google search engine so we can begin organizing. If you have any ideas as to how to improve the site please put it as a comment on the front page story.
    • Matt Schwartz
      Barbara99er-GA, Your opinion has little basis in reality. WorldNewsVine supports Harry Reid precisely because he has lobbied for every extension thus far. By trying to erode his support, you give strength to the GOP and the bloody Tea Baggers and the US just becomes even worse off. Also, what makes you think anyone will follow you? What credibility to you even have? By all rights, you could be another reactionary extremist.
      • admin
        Thank you maschwar — Barbara, you asked for help in getting exposure for your site, I gave you my suggestions…
        We strongly support Senator Reid along with the Democratic leadership and fear that those of you falling for the GOP gimmick that led them back into power in the House will tear this nation apart within months…
        You are welcome to participate however, your posts are starting to look like SPAM…
  7. ex-con
    You know people always talk about the over qualified that can’t find a job cause of their over education, or about the ones in late age that are turned away for younger workers. I feel for them I really do, but even they will be picked over me. I have the opposite problem I am relatively young (30) and not over qualified, yet with the same result…. I can’t seem to find a job anywhere. I have over ten years that I changed my life and payed my debt to society but when it comes to getting a job that counts for nothing. I believed that what I was doing was wrong and that if I followed societies rules I would be accepted again. Well I even believed so much that I married and brought two beautiful little girls to this world (ages 4 and 3). Now I was in heaven and the dream was alive till this recession hit. My construction job despaired from under my feet, I woke up and starting falling from the cloud. I woke up to see that what I used to do was nothing compared to the criminals that have the power and put future generations in jeopardy with their greed. The only thing is that I see my girls in the free fall with me. I just hope we can find a parachute before we hit the ground and my girls find out that the fall is not a game and that the tricks I do are not to entertain them but to save money. That when when I make toys for them for Christmas… it’s not cause I am being creative its because we are poor. I have the temptation to go back to making easy money, (cause at least I will be making money) yet if I get caught I know what will happen (and the government doesn’t cut spending when it comes to our prisons). I just can’t believe an ex-cone cares more about his children and America’s future generations, than our people that are in power that supposed to be the cream of our crop, our moral elite, our leaders. I know that you people see us 99ers as lazy but we are the opposite. Some of us fight every day to keep our values in place, our honor, and our dignity. I know that my past mistakes are my fault, but I tried to fix it, paid for it, and made up for it. When I lost my job it was not my fault so why wont the responsible for it vanishing do something to fix it, pay for it, and help who they have victimized.
  8. mike
    The people have spoke to give more to the wealthy. When will the american people wise up! China is right we would vote republicans in just to be called republicans. I did not not vote for these guys because I seen what they done in this administration and last. American voters your selling out your country for a vote!

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