U.S Green Laws Now 2011 " Amass Eco company."
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- The President of the United States (+ 5 others)
The U.S Government planning in a disaster is ongoing challenge of experiences that isn't welcomed .The economy is in disaster of its own. Mass loss of jobs,uncertainty and fear..Recent earthquakes in Peru and Somalia are examples of what could happen anywhere any time. Preparedness is a strong point of our Federal Emergency Management Administration. If when a disaster strikes like Katrina or the attack of New York. or the oil spill in the the Gulf.Japans nuclear plant is a recent event that we can never be to prepared for. aMASSeco on the go a google sponserd non profit for earth.Lets wake up and unite under one nation and do this.Power plan to keep the lights, power,communications and intels on. Power for emergency services to help the over all response teams. . In case of power failure typically petroleum generators are used.Our demands of oil is the real disaster.Lets vote for change and stop the bleeding.Do we really know what happens when we take all the lube from the earth. Highway Smart Signals on Higways a idea to restore power and create a sustainable jobs. The recovery of our economy and protecting the souls of the American people is a must. The government is elected to do so. U.S Green Laws Now! Is a movement authored by John Valadez from Modesto Ca, for the people. Seeking a seat in the senate a possible candidate for congress 2012 Smart solar solutions are ideas to put America back to work? Strengthen our infrastructure and Power grid this makes it a less likely target for hackers or terrorists. Nothing new our freeways were first created to help the war effort transporting materials and equipment where and when needed. Once again we are at war this time against Energy Pollution and Unemployment and a deficit.’ Article1. We the people propose to implicate and create a law to add smart solar street lights. Street lights that store power for emergency services with communication and cameras for safe neighbor hoods.Tornado prone areas wind breaker to Harness energy.Spider plants will filter your whole house of toxins in 24 hours.Ask Nasa. Every 300 yards to install these smart solar lights smart batteries to street lights, to charge cell phones and emergency equipment. Also as a power saver if used as night lights. When smart grid is fully operational power company's can regulate where lights and power will stay on. These lights with smart battery could help in summer months at peek hours. This plan would be spread out over a 5 year goal creating 100 thousand jobs and save 500 million dollars electricity. It’s like taking 10 million cars off the streets.Article2 Second law, solar reflector optics on streets in the center dividers to light up streets and send information for traffic problems. Smart asphalt or concrete with recycled tires, glass and solar photolytic materials could power our vehicles, with clean energy streets of black gold. the revenues would pay for many social services. As a world leader we must treat the current times if we were at war. Take action now. The first nation on Earth and take a Environmental clean energy for a cleaner planet, and jobs for generations to come. One Green Law at a time. Offer Loans for small business instead of unemployment 50.000 cash loans. Loans to start up green businesses.Article3 Solar generators to help those that need temporary help, no person in the U.S should go with out lights utility company's have no real help for those who qualify and can't afford to pay.Article4 In the place of event horizon a monument of a working wind power represent the change we need so this doesn’t happen again. Join my house a mass people’s co. at onestopgogreen@gmail.com
Random ideas feel free to edit.
Monday, June 28, 2010
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