Profound Life-Giving Properties of Marine Phytoplankton Re-awaken Your Body's Healing Power With Mother's Nature's Milk From the Ocean Dr. Jerry Tennant, MD, from the Tennant Institute of Integrative Medicine, explains that the micronutrients and electrolytes in marine phytoplankton are exactly what human cell membranes need to carry out their metabolism. Not surprisingly, the composition of human plasma, or fluid surrounding cell membranes, is similar to that of sea water. For three billion years Marine Phytoplankton has supported virtually all living creatures in the Ocean. It contains a unique combination of life sustaining nutrients including; Omega 3 essential fatty acids (EPA and DHA), protein, chlorophyll, vitamins, iodine, minerals and trace elements.
Dr. Jerry Tennant M.D. - "There are very few products that provide all, or even most, of the raw materials to make new cells and sustain the existing ones. The problem is that we need ALL of them at the same time for things to work. One of those rare products that contains almost everything you need for life (and the rebuilding of a healthy life) is marine phytoplankton. It contains the nine amino acids that the body cannot make. The essential fatty acids are also present (Omega 3 and Omega 6). Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, D and major and trace minerals are all present in marine phtyoplankton."Steven Schecter, N.D - "There is no family of foods more protective against radiation and environmental pollutants than sea vegetables ... sea vegetables can prevent assimilation of different radionuclitides, heavy metals such as cadmium, and other environmental toxins."
Overdependence on land-based food sources often lead to deficiencies in micronutrients and trace elements. Marine phytoplankton promotes and maintains optimum health by boosting and supporting all systems within the body. When the body is missing critical components, it is unable to maintain the balance of these systems, and malfunctions (disease) result. Scientific research indicates that Marine Phytoplankton may be the most important food on Planet Earth. It is nature's gift to assist us on our journey to optimal health and wellness through balanced nutrition. Dr. Rene Quinton, a French biologist and biochemist, studied seawater by comparing the microcosmic ocean environment and its similarities to blood plasma. His studies, grounded in the rich live mineral content found in plankton-fed seawater, led to his publication, "L’eau de Mer Milieu Organique" in 1904. His discovery became known as Ocean Plasma. Dr. Quinton's work led to the belief that seawater contains every mineral and trace mineral known in organic form and provides all the necessary elements needed by human tissues when applied in the proper ratios. He proved that seawater, properly formulated and under certain conditions, is virtually identical to mammalian blood plasma. With the assistance of many eminent physicians, he successfully used seawater as a healing agent on thousands of patients in France and Egypt in the early 1900s. The report included before-and-after photos of patients. Babies brought back from near death from cholera and other causes; cadaver-like bodies filled out to healthy plumpness; raw, weeping skin from eczema made smooth and lesion free…all by the power of seawater. Many early-20th-century scourges such as tuberculosis were shown to be healed by this remarkable marine plasma. Historically, ocean water (plasma) has had numerous applications, based on the concept of renewing, purifying and regenerating the internal fluid terrain as well as maintaining the equilibrium of the body. It has proved to be a support for andregenerator of cell functions. Before & after photos of patients who underwent "The Marine Treatment" ---- French: Vertus et propriétés thérapeutiques de l'eau de mer.
Our civilization is starving for nutrients that are lacking in our food chain. Minerals are required for all metabolic processes, as well as proper composition of your body fluids, the formation of your blood & bones, and they are critically important for healthy nerve function. Now more than ever, supplementation is crucial for health, because minerals have been depleted from our soils, and other nutrients are destroyed in the processing & cooking of almost all the foods we eat. This type of malnutrition is often the cause of pain and chronic degenerative diseases. Have you heard the phrase "over-fed but under-nourished"? Even though caloric intake is abundant, many bodies lack proper nourishment. Questions and Answers about marine phytoplankton The Past and Future of Human Nutrition is in the Oceans (excerpt) Hugo Rodier M.D.
The micronutrients and electrolytes in plankton are exactly what human cell membranes need to carry out their metabolism. Not surprisingly, the composition of human plasma, or fluid surrounding cell membranes, is similar to that of sea water. Relying solely on land-based food sources may lead to deficiencies in these micronutrients and electrolytes. While transient sub-optimal nutrition may be forgiven, a constant diet lacking in these micronutrients will adversely affect every function, structure, and detoxification functions of the human cell. As noted above, our metabolism will suffer, leading to practically all diseases. "The future of Nutrition is found in the ocean" - Jacques Cousteau
Good nutrition will enhance the structure and function of all organs in our bodies. Our brains, muscles, hearts, arteries, joints, bones, skin, hair, hormones, immune system, vision, digestion, kidneys, liver will carry out their jobs much better. Metabolically, our lipids, and sugars can be optimized, thus providing more overall energy, minimize weight problems, and improve sleep. These nutrients improve mental function, and memory. They reduce depression, harmful effects of stress, and mood swings.
Marine phytoplankton is rich in polymeric, and basic healthy sugars, such as polysaccharides (J. Plankton Research 2005;27:695.) Plankton also have an alkaline pH, which is important, given the acidity of our diets high in refined sugars, soda pop, and farmed large animals. (Marine Phytoplankton product offers full Spectrum 72 natural ionic sea trace minerals)
The high density of nutrients found in algae and marine phytoplankton is extremely important for many reasons. Perhaps the most important is that these nutrients maintain human cell membranes in structure and function. This is vital for cell detoxification, and for the overall metabolism of human cells. In fact, the causes of diseases have been simplified to very specific mechanisms, all of which center on cell membrane function and structure. Inflammation, Oxidation, Toxicity, andMitochondrial dysfunction keep cell membranes from doing their job effectively. Algae contain high levels of antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory micronutrients to fuel metabolism and detoxification. Also, they stoke the fires of the Mitochondria, where cells make energy required to carry out their function.
At the University of Rhode Island, professor Yuzuru Shimizu is developing a culturing system that will ensure an adequate supply of sea-based organisms that show anti-tumor properties. Shimizu is examining metabolites of single-celled plankton called dinoflagellates, which National Cancer Institute tests have shown to have cancer-fighting potential. Plankton could also prevent skin cancer - Scientists from Heinrich Heine University in Germany and TNO Nutrition and Food Research Institute in the Netherlands have reported their findings in the latest edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).Surviving 3 different types of cancer - Surviving Carcinoid Tumor-Overcoming Chemotherapy Sickness Read the Dr. Rodier's entire article (PDF file) --- Dr. Baccili interviews microbiologist Kathy Jones Do you have a question about marine phytoplankton or need guidance? click here to contact Shirley or call 323-522-4521 or 323-389-0560. Humans and Animals Healing with Marine Phytoplankton Informacion Sobre El FrequenSea con Fitoplancton Marino --- Clic aqui: Como conseguir Linda Page, N.D. Ph.D. - "Sea plants can transform your health. There are many reasons why I recommend sea vegetables as part of my healing programs -- weight loss, cellulite control, detoxification, beautiful hair and skin, and more. Sea vegetables (phytoplankton) can transform your health! I believe that when we eat sea vegetables, and when we take seaweed baths, we are tapping into the ancestral and restorative source of all life- the ocean. Include sea vegetables into your diet every day and you 'll see a difference. I do! Sea plants -- gifts from the sea!" The secrets of the sea are miracles waiting to be discovered by medical science. Seawater contains every mineral and trace mineral known, in organic form and in the proper ratios needed by human tissues. Dr. René Quinton, French biologist, was the first person to discern and to investigate the similarity between sea water and mammalian lymph and blood plasma systems. In one experiment, René Quinton and his medical team drained a dog of all of its blood and replaced it with isotonic (diluted) seawater. The dog should have died immediately, one would think, but the dog lived. On day two after the transfusion, 50% of the blood components had reappeared. By day four, almost 100% of the missing blood components were restored in what appeared to be proof of biological transmutation (a change from one element to another). Not only did the blood completely regenerate, but soon after the procedure the dog bounced around like a puppy with greater vitality than before, and it lived for many years afterwards. Progress Report from the Director of Research Life Enrichment Research Foundation (PDF file)
How Does Phytoplankton Relate to Light Waves and Energy? (excerpt) Dr. Robert Rowe Ph.DMy 81 year old mother had been telling me how much energy she had been having since taking the phytoplankton. However she had misunderstood the amount she should be taking – she was consuming mere drops, rather than the proper ounces. Having been a student of homeopathy, it suddenly dawned on me there must be a major energy component activated, even though her dosage was so small.
I was introduced to this plan by a colleague. He had a stubborn case of persistent dandruff for years and nothing would help remedy the embarrassing situation. However, after a week taking phytoplankton, it suddenly stopped. With a little thought, I understand that there was an internal effect going on. With further investigation, I found that this newly discovered miniscule plant also had effects on improving blood sugar problems and even some cancer cases. It was also found that energy increased and muscle soreness after exercise was reduced in people taking it. Some reported that their thinking was clearer, and improvement in blood pressure readings was noticed. It seemed that, on a molecular level, it was activating the energy molecule in the body known as ATP. Notice that I said “energy” molecule."
The work of Fritz Popp came to mind: Dr. Popp, a world renowned physicist, found that living things emit small packets of light called photons. We can see the phosphorescence produced in the ocean when the water is stirred at night; we are able to see the sparkling photon light produced. Dr. Popp was able to show that the effects of a compound could be duplicated just by bombarding water with the electromagnetic frequency of the compound, which is how homeopathy works.
Some people may know the work of Dr. Emoto concerning the effects of positive energy on water, and the remarkably beautiful ice crystals that are formed when water is blessed by Zen priests. It seems that water is able to take on these positive aspects. Believing this and knowing that we are, for the most part, water, it makes sense, then that we should only put into our bodies those foods and nutrients that have the highest quality, most positive frequency of energy (referred to as “high frequency,” rather than negative or poor quality “low frequency”). Phytoplankton, then, the foundation of life in the ocean, the forerunner of life on land, and the sustainer of our atmosphere, would have an extremely high energy frequency (in addition to its physical properties, which have a nutrient content). The future of the human race is challenged more and more by manmade hazards: electromagnet “smog” (negative energy waves from technology) depleting our brain chemistry and immune systems, industrial toxins in our bodies, processed compounds portrayed as food on the grocery shelves, and the high stress demands of family and work. It is reassuring to know that a microscopic but highly powerful organism like phytoplankton contains the positive energy that we need to thrive despite these hazards. It offers sufficient amino acids to help replace the depleted nervous system, chlorophyll to help remove toxins, and nutrients to keep our cells powered to fight the battle against these stressors. The future is in the hands of those who understand the power of energy within our bodies and within the life forces provided to us. Read Dr. Rowe's entire article: Dr. Bob Rowe Ph.D is a nationally recognized expert on the measurement and valuation of health and welfare effects of environmental pollutants. Dr. Rowe has published more than two dozen articles in leading peer-reviewed journals such as Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Land Economics, International Economic Review, and Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association. Dr. Rowe has served as a consultant member of the EPA's Science Advisory Board, and as a board member of the Association of Environmental and Natural Resource Economists. Video interview with Bob Rowe Do you have a question about marine phytoplankton or need guidance? click here to contact Shirley or call 323-522-4521 or 323-389-0560.
Phytoplankton Making History For Mankind by Dr. Jerry Tennant, MD There are two basic theories of how to get people with chronic disease well and keep them that way. One is that we must find a drug that will substitute for a broken “gear” in the body or to repair the “gears” mechanically (surgery). The other is to give the body the things it needs to manufacture new cells and let it heal itself.
For those wishing to support the latter theory, it has been difficult to determine what is actually needed to make new cells. People are always saying things like they have a new herb from Africa, or a fruit from China that will magically heal everything. Such findings are often useful for some but not predictable for most. My feeling has always been that our Heavenly Father would not design a body that requires unusual potions from far-away places to make us healthy. The elements and electrolytes in phyto plankton are almost tailor-made for the human body. It's no coincidence that the composition of human plasma is similar to that of seawater. We arose from the sea and our internal bodies reflect this. Over-reliance on land-based food sources often leads to deficiencies in micronutrients and trace elements. Our bodies need these elements to perform as nature intended. Left to its own devices, the human body has a marvelous system called homeostasis which keeps all systems in balance. Take away some critical component and the body experiences malfunctions that cause suboptimal performance. Too many malfunctions cause disease. Phytonutrients exhibit potentially promising effects in human physiology.
There are few products that provide all, or even most, essential amino acids, more Omega 3's than fish oil, Vitamin A, Selenium, Iodine and others than marine phytoplankton. It may be no coincidence that the composition of human plasma is similar to sea water. With our over-reliance on land based food sources, we have developed deficiencies in micronutrients and trace elements. The nutritional properties from the algae contain over 200 species of marine phytoplankton on land. This allows for a unique blend of phytonutrients which promote proper metabolic functions.
The marine phytoplankton in FrequenSea is alkaline-forming in the body. Phytoplankton nutrients are PH 8-8.5 and highly alkaline. There is much study and practice in holistic health regarding body ph balance -alkaline versus acidic. If a body is in an extreme acidic state disease, infections, and damage may proliferate. The acidic condition strains the body and compels it to take minerals -including sodium, magnesium, calcium, and potassium from bones and vital organs. Scientifically, PH means potential hydrogen and measures the H+ Hydrogen ions in the body -basically measuring voltage. The determination of alkaline forming or acidic forming is NOT what is taken in organic form, but what is 'left over' in inorganic matter (ie. ash) after digestion. Watch Dr. Jerry Tennant Video on Overall Health - Body Voltage PH, Neurochemicals, Liver Function and Detoxify. (Depending on the speed of your connection, you may have to wait just a bit for the video to load) General Nutrition -Contains ultra-potent lipids to enhance brain function
Cardiovascular Health -Supports a healthy heart Cholesterol -Clinically tested to reduce cholesterol Blood Sugars -Stabilizes blood sugar levels Neurological Support -Mental alertness, ADHD, Parkinsons, and general dementia Joint Health -Relieves pain and inflammation Skin Care -Psoriasis ? Dermatitis Vision -More effective than Lutein Liver Health -Supports a healthy liver Sleep -Promotes better sleep quality Energy -Increases energy
More Omega 3 than fish oil, Antioxidants not found in other products, Phospholipids for cell membranes. It is also good alkaline -8 -8.5 PH
Dr. Jerry Tennant, MD - "While transient sub-optimal nutrition may be forgiven, a constant diet lacking in micronutrients will adversely affect every function, structure, and detoxification functions of the human cell. Good nutrition will enhance the structure and function of all organs in our bodies. Our brains, muscles, hearts, arteries, joints, bones, skin, hair, hormones, immune system, vision, digestion, kidneys, liver will carry out their jobs much better. Metabolically, our lipids, and sugars can be optimized, thus providing more overall energy, minimize weight problems, and improve sleep. These nutrients improve mental function, and memory. They reduce depression, harmful effects of stress, and mood swings."Containing a wide range of trace elements, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, enzymes and cellular materials, marine phytoplankton promotes and maintains optimum health by boosting and supporting all systems within the body. When the body is missing critical components, it is unable to maintain the balance of these systems, and malfunctions (disease) result. Overdependence on land-based food sources often lead to deficiencies in micronutrients and trace elements. The phytoplankton are Nature's gift to assist us on our journey to optimal health and wellness through balanced nutrition.. Marine Phytoplanton products Questions and Answers about marine phytoplankton Are you looking to use this product just for yourself or are you looking to share it with friend and family? The consumer market for dietary supplements is exploding worldwide. More and more people are looking for alternative or complementary approaches to healthcare challenges. Second, the baby boomers are focusing on anti-aging. When we supply what is missing or deficient into the diets of people to help their immune systems work, we see an across-the-board improvement. Looking good and feeling great! Wellness means more than just physical health. You are ‘well’ when you have peace of mind about your family and finances, when you also have time to pursue what matters most in your life. Health and Wellness is important to everyone, millions of people are looking for healthier products. We all want to live longer and be able to enjoy life more. If you arre you looking to share these products with friend and family, or interested in the wellness industry, click here to learn more Do you have a question about marine phytoplankton or need guidance? click here to contact Shirley or call 323-522-4521 or 323-389-0560. Phytonutrients are nutrients derived from plant material that have been shown to be necessary for sustaining human life.What are phytoplankton? by David Herring
Phytoplankton are microscopic plants that live in the ocean. There are many species of phytoplankton, each of which has a characteristic shape. Collectively, phytoplankton grow abundantly in oceans around the world and are the foundation of the marine food chain. Small fish, and some species of whales, eat them as food. Larger fish then eat the smaller fish. Humans catch and eat many of these larger fish. Since phytoplankton depend upon certain conditions for growth, they are a good indicator of change in their environment. For these reasons, and because they also exert a global-scale influence on climate, phytoplankton are of primary interest to oceanographers and Earth scientists around the world. Phyto means Light and Plankton means Floating/Suspended. Scientists at NASA theorize that some 3 1/2 billion years ago, the world was changed forever. The appearance of tiny organisms with the ability to convert sunlight, warmth, water and minerals into protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and amino acids marked the beginning of life. Phytoplankton, the single-cell plants are the basis of all other life forms on planet earth, they are the 'vegetation' of the ocean. Phytoplankton are responsible for making up to 90% of Earth's oxygen. Phytoplankton are the food utilized by some of the world's largest and longest living animals and fish. Blue Whales, humpbacks, baleen whales and more all eat plankton and live between 80-150 years while maintaining great strength and endurance and are sexually active until they die.
Plankton have an alkaline pH, which is important, given the acidity of our diets high in refined sugars, soda pop, and farmed large animals. The high density of nutrients found in algae is extremely important for many reasons. Perhaps the most important (as noted above) is that these nutrients maintain human cell membranes in structure and function. This is vital for cell detoxification, and for the overall metabolism of human cells. In fact, the causes of diseases have been simplified to very specific mechanisms, all of which center on cell membrane function and structure. Inflammation, Oxidation, Toxicity, and Mitochondrial dysfunction keep cell membranes from doing their job effectively. Algae contain high levels of antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory micronutrients to fuel metabolism and detoxification. Also, they stoke the fires of the Mitochondria, where cells make energy required to carry out their function. Of course, photosynthesis is the mechanism whereby plants in general and algae in particular, harness life-sustaining solar energy. (J. Applied Phycology 1993;5:235.) Dr. Robert Rowe Ph.D. - "...Our beliefs are even responsible for our genetic makeup. Your genes will change to meet your beliefs. To understand this concept better, read the book Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton. There is a lot of solid scientific evidence to show that, on the smallest level, we are actually made up of light and energy, which we have at least some control over. And when we look at our world from this viewpoint, there is so much more to see and understand about its complexity, and it gives us more power over our destiny. Dr. Jerry Tennant, M.D. - "One of those rare products that contains almost everything you need for life (and the rebuilding of a healthy life) is marine phytoplankton. It contains the nine amino acids that the body cannot make and must be consumed in our diet (essential amino acids). The essential fatty acids are also present (Omega 3 and Omega 6). Vitamins A (betacarotine), 81 (thiamine), 82 (riboflavin), 83 (niacin), 85 (pantothenic acid), 86 (pyridoxine), 812 (cobalamin), C, D, and E (tocopherol) and major and trace minerals are all present in phytoplankton. In short, it contains almost everything one needs to sustain life. Therefore, it contains almost everything one needs to restore health by providing the raw materials to make new cells that function normally. This is particularly true if one stops putting toxic materials such as artificial sweeteners and trans fats (partially hydrogenated fats) into our body."
Marine Phytoplankton contain many elements available no where else. You may have heard of fresh water phytoplankton likeSpirulina and Chlorella. These algae also have many health benefits, however, with the 200+ separate species of marine phytoplankton, their nutritional profile is second to none! Glyconutrients Marine Phytoplankton is a rich source of glyconutrients which play an important role in good cell-to-cell communication. "Most of the Nobel prizes in Medicine and Biology have been awarded to the concept of “cell communication,” which is how our 100 trillion cells get their metabolic function coordinated (J. Science, November 26th, 2004.) They do this through a system of “messages,” which are well-known molecules like hormones, neurotransmitters, enzymes, etc. They form a vast network of communication, which should have never been separated into different components. The Psycho-Neuro-Immune-Endocrine system of cell communication to coordinate our metabolism is now considered to be the cornerstone of health and function in cutting edge research" Dr. Tennent MD (“The intricate interface between the immune system and metabolism,” J. Trends in Immunology 2004;25:193.) Marine Phytoplankton formula with Transfer Factor - A Powerful Immune System Support Transfer factors are tiny molecules found in colostrum which provide "immune knowledge" from a mother's immune system to her baby used in recognizing and fighting outside threats. By transferring information from cell to cell, transfer factors serve as "teachers" to the new cells, ensuring a strong immune system capable of surviving, even thriving, in its new environment. There are over 3,000 published papers and 50 years of research on various forms and sources of transfer factors. These molecules were first discovered in the late 40's by Dr. H. Sherwood Lawrence. more... Zeolite - natural volcanic minerals in a marine phytoplankton saline-like base Zeolite is a Greek word meaning 'Stone that boils'. Zeolites are minerals formed when molten lava contacts water from lakes or ocean. A specific member of the zeolite family of minerals called “clinoptilolite” has a unique honeycomb like structure which has the ability to trap and bind toxins, heavy metals, viral particles, and other impurities so these substances can be removed from the body. The clinoptilolite type of zeolite can be activated by a process which removes naturally occurring toxins. Liquid zeolite has the perfect molecular structure for latching on to and then removing heavy metals (including radioactive ones) from the body, including mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, aluminium, strontium and excess iron. Some heavy metals, such as mercury, have a huge affinity to the zeolite, which is why they are dragged out of the body first, before the zeolite moves on to slightly less reactive metals such as lead or aluminium.
Heavy metal toxins, therefore, are removed stepwise, following the reactivity series of the metals — with the most reactive first to go. The elimination of each level of the reactivity series is relatively fast, with liquid zeolite taking under a week, for example, to remove mercury before moving on to cadmium and then lead. The whole available heavy metal removal process can take a few months in total, although there are always more being added to the body by external sources and by release from internal non-available sources such as fat cells. Zeolite also help remove pesticides, herbicides & dioxins by reducing the toxic load to the liver, liver-induced glucuronidation, which is their main means of removal, is increased. For three billion years marine phytoplankton has supported virtually all living creatures in the Ocean. It contains a unique combination of life sustaining nutrients including; Omega 3 essential fatty acids (EPA and DHA), protein, chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
Zeolite is a mineral that gives off negatively charged ions. It is this unique chemical characteristic of attracting positively charged ions that allows a chemical reaction to occur and neutralize toxic matter. Zeolite has the ability to absorb, store and neutralize toxins making it a valuable detoxifying ingredient for beauty and spa products. It is rich in silicon, calcium, potassium and iron Learn more Zeolite with marine phytoplankton Healing with Marine PhytoPlankton Testimonials (Testimonials obtained from the WhyPlankton website) Chronic Health Condition - Diabetes - Eczema - Joint condition - Overcoming Chemotherapy Sickness - Surviving 3 different types of cancer - Surviving Carcinoid Tumor - Multiple Health Challenges - Obsessive compulsive disorder - Bi-polar / Manic Depression - Vision/Hair - Hypothyroidism - Cystitis - 81 y old with great energy - Eye and Vision Condition Improvement - Weight loss - click here to read the testimonials Educational Online video on marine phytoplankton click here if you use DSL - click here if you usedial-up Dr. Baccili interviews microbiologist Kathy Jones Do you have a question about marine phytoplankton or need guidance? click here to contact Shirley or call 323-522-4521 or 323-389-0560.
Protection against tumors, radiation and environmental pollutantsThere is no family of foods more protective against radiation and environmental pollutants than sea vegetables Sea vegetables can prevent assimilation of different radionuclitides, heavy metals such as cadmium, and other environmental toxins." An experiment conducted by J.F. Stara at the Environmental Protection Agency showed that sodium alginate significantly reduced the amount of radio active strontium in the bones of cats. Stara observed that radio active strontium in the bones is resecreted into the intestines where it is bound by alginate, neutralized then excreted in the stools." learn more
Since FrequenSea with marine phytoplankton was first introduced in 2005, it has resulted in remarkable growth of the company that has been unstoppable. The reason? Quite simply, this life changing product WORKS. International expansion continues as ForeverGreen grows at a very fast pace. ForeverGreen is presently "open" in dozens of countries around the world. They have everything in place: a great company that truly cares about people and our world, unique product for people, children and animals that everyone needs, a great compensation plan, a proven easy duplicatable success system, & awesome team support enabling you to achieve success and a great income. To learn more contact Kashmyra (828) 891 1602 orclick here to contact Shirley or call 323-522-4521 or 323-389-0560.
The ForeverGreen Company is the worldwide exclusive distributor whole foods nutritional supplements such as the FrequenSea juice with marine phytoplankton, Azul (24 raw whole super foods with marine phytoplankton), ImmunEYES and AIM Transfer Factor (immune system support with marine phytoplankton),PURE Ionic Sea Mineral Marine Phytoplankton, and SecreSea (Nature's Beauty Secret Since the Dawn of Mankind with marine phytoplankton) and more. FrequenSea "By Land and By Sea" video explains everything you need to know about FrequenSea, Marine Phytoplankton, and the sciences that make this unique product available. It includes Tom Harper and Tiffany Haarsma talking about Marine Phytoplankton and the harvesting process, Preman Brady explaining the AMP process, and Dr. Rodier and Dr. Tennant talking about the nutritional properties of FrequenSea. If you are going to share the marine phytoplankton information and the Forevergreen products with others, you can become a lifetime member for just $24.95 and you'll receive a free personalized website with shopping cart and a virtual office. There is no charge for this service. No inventory or shipping is necessary - the company takes care of this for you. The membership also enables you to purchase Forevergreen products with marine phytoplankton at wholesale prices. To learn more contact Kashmyra (828) 891 1602 or click here to contact Shirley or call 323-522-4521 or 323-389-0560. Phytoplankton: Plants of the SeaTo the casual observer, the oceans and bays are vast trackless bodies of water. Beneath their surfaces are countless fish. But more numerous by far are the tiny microscopic animals and plants collectively called plankton, a word derived from the Greek meaning wandering. The plant portion of this complex oceanic soup is called phytoplankton. The term phyto comes from the Latin phyton meaning tree or plant. This large grouping is composed mostly of single-celled algae and bacteria. Marine phytoplankton contains life-giving properties that provide for cell sustenance and healthy cell growth. Phytoplankton contains essential fatty acids such as Omega 3 and Omega 6. Also found in marine phytoplankton are beta carotene
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