The Greatest Hoax Of The 21st Century: 2012 Armageddon
85Reasons behind Dec 21 2012
Why have so many lies been told in order to create fear over this date. This is an open ended question that could be answered many many different ways. I think the reason that makes the most sense is to profit from it. Many people have websites on this subject which creates ad revenue, and sells their Ebooks. This date has been blown out of proportion for pure greed. Another reason is for recruiting religious groups. Any time there is the possibility of a world changing disaster people feel more inclined to convert to a religion for two reasons. The first being that maybe there devine being they worship may spare them from the catastrophe, and the second being that they will go to heaven or a similar place apposed to hell. In my opinion these are the reasons why some are spreading fear about this date.
Hurricane Katrina

Current Weather Theory
Some people attribute our changing climate to the fact that we are coming closer to Galactic Center.They say that we are experiencing more Natural Disasters because the magnetic field is disrupting the Earth. This is false because we are not going close to Galactic center, we are actually moving away from it (see my post on the Galactic Plane). Our climate is changing for several reasons:
1. Human Emissions and pollution, this is what is causing the majority of the climate change
2. The Earths orbit
3. Relationship between the Ocean and the Atmosphere
4. Volcanic Eruptions
5. Activity of the sun
The emissions you and I create enforce the greenhouse effect. Humans are causing the climate change not the Galactic plane, Nibiru, or anyone else. I know that we like to blame others for our mistakes, but it is us that is destroying our beautiful planet.

Some of these Dooms Day theories are derived from Nostradamus and the Bible. To both of these I give no weight to them scientifically. For Nostradamus his predictions are so vague that they are open for interpretation. I am not very familiar with the bible but again, both of these sources bear no weight in a scientific discussion.
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