Friday, November 19, 2010


Americans On Edge As Congress Debates Unemployment Extension Tier 5

By Jill Williams on November 19, 2010, 9:10 am

< Img align="left" style="padding:10px;border: 0px" src="" alt="" title="Unemployment-Extension-July-Jobs-Report-300x200" width="300" height="200" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-6180" />Secretary of Labor, Hilda Solis, has said in a statement, “While the economy continues to grow, there is more work that needs to be done to get Americans back to work. Everyone agrees on the problem. Both parties must now come together to solve it. With millions of Americans still looking for work, now is not the time to cut key safety net programs like Unemployment Insurance. The Emergency Unemployment Compensation program is set to expire at the end of November. If that happens, 2 million people will lose benefits in December and 6 million by the end of next year.”

Tier 5 2010 Benefits Bill At Congress

Tier 5 2010 Benefits Bill At Congress! The unemployment extension benefits bill is in Congress today and that’ a great thing. The extension benefits bill isn’t the tier 5 but it’s the extension of the emergency benefits already in place.
h2>Recent Election
Tier 5 dreams, and 99ers could be in jeopardy because of the recent election results.  The GOP has been resistant to passing unemployment extensions, although it”s not because they don’t care about the American people.  The Democrats have pushed for the extension of benefits, but many of them have been voted out of office.

Congress Issues

The tier 5 and Bush’s tax cuts for the wealthy are things on the minds of both old and new lawmakers. What will be their decisions when they enter the lame duck session next week? Will they hit on the unemployment extension first, or will they try to pass the tax cuts first?

November 30

That being said, the unemployment extensions expire at the end of November; November 30 to be exact if this happens, then there will be 2 million Americans who lose their benefits in the midst of the holiday season, which is the best time of the year for businesses to score those last minute sales and turn their red into black.

Related posts:

  1. Unemployment Extension Tier 5: Lame Duck Congress Most Likely Says No
  2. Unemployment Extension: Tier V Debate May Rage Into Lame-Duck Session
  3. Tier V Unemployment Extensions: No Holiday Cheer Likely For Americans
  4. Unemployment Extension 2010: Anger At Slowness Of Gov Checks
  5. Unemployment Tier V: Dreaming Of A Jobless Christmas Recovery

14 Responses to “Americans On Edge As Congress Debates Unemployment Extension Tier 5”

  1. Anne says:
    Congress knew this extension was going to expire at the end of November. Why is this always put on the back burner until the week before. You say these political officials represent the public. ha.. what a joke. They only care about the rich folks. Where are the new green jobs? Obama cannot do anything with this bickering House and Senate. They want the man to fail. Shame on them all.
  2. Toni Paul says:
    I am a woman who has been working since she was 13 years old. I have paid in to SS and have been a dedicated employee for all the companies I have worked for. For the last 18 months I have been without work. The company I worked for decided to close its doors due to the downturn in the automotive industry. My husband and I have struggled to make sure we keep our home and try to maintain all of our commitments in paying back any bills we owe. We had nothing to do with the economic downturn and seem to be getting the short end of the stick when it comes to continuing my unemployment until I find a job. It breaks my heart when I hear of men who worked for the Banking industry for less than 8 weeks getting a 6 million dollar bonus just for being at the right place at the right time, and I can’t expect to get an extension of my benefits ($397.00) a week, which for us is alot of money. Can you imagine what the 6 million dollars would have done for the 2 million people out there that this bill will effect if not passed? I have never asked for a hand out and have never been on welfare. I have been a hard working middle class person who loves her country and would like to see some help for us for a change. This extension would give some people some hope that things are really getting back to where they should be. Our country is in need, lets show the Americans who live here that they are a thought in the minds of the people who hold their lives in their vote. Please help us, those who have husbands that work and those of us who are single parents trying to keep our children in clothes and food.
  3. Spank says:
    How can they consider not passing a tier 5, and only extended the tier 4? How does that make any since at all. We’re all struggling.
  4. ImGonnaBeRobbinYouSoon says:
    Since December will be one of the last months my family has under our roof since we will def lose our home after this, should I make SOME sort of happiness in our family by giving my kids some sort of presents on our way out? I haven’t decided yet, so please don’t put your presents under the tree this year and tempt me to rob you (or do whatever you practice via your religion), as even though it is NOT ETHICALLY CORRECT, RobbinTheGrinch will be taking from you, to serve me and my friends/family…just as the United States Government IS TELLING ME TO DO, and SHOWING ME HOW TO (I can spin it like the gov too…I am actually not stealing, but removing Chinese toys made with lead-base paint from your kids, lets say…I am keeping your kids free of the dangers certain toys/clothes can pose. See, I am doing a GOOD thing, just like the politicians…making choices for others). P.S. Does anyone know where the closest TENT CITY will be around the NY/NJ area? I wanna get in with dibs on the best kot, closest to the soup kitchen line!
  5. Maureen O-NY says:
    Please HELP me & my family. I live in Queens, N.Y. & is proud to say that I worked 30 straight years in a row until 2008 when the economy went south. I look very hard for work each day & still cannot even find a temporary job. Please make sure the Tier 5 extension of unemployment insurance is approved of because without it my family will be homeless in a very short time. We won’t be able to put food on the table or pay the rent if this is not approved of. I went through my pension & 401K plan over the past 2 years just to keep a roof over our head. There is nothing left now. Unfortunately there are many people like me who worked in the Banking Industry & have lost there jobs. The economy seems to be getting worse. I represent millions of 99er’s who will have nothing if this isn’t passed. We will go homeless thanks to nothing we did. Dying in the streets is a horrible death to endure. Why are we forgotten ? Please allow us to live.
  6. jenna says:
    its truely a shame that america can not take of american we need help you tell me that its more important to send doctors money to haiti they lived in filth all their lives you act like now spending money in america has to stop now you want to stop no jobs that you promised food is higher social sec again not raised elect is higher gas is higher we are dying in america thankyou all very much, i hope you can turn your christmas lights on with happiness when the rest of us can bearly put live thanks
  7. jade buchanan says:
    with fifteen million people on unemployment if the people would have gotten off of their asses and voted then the gop wouldn’t have taken control of their house and they would probably have gotten their extensions—-i guess taking thirty minutes of a day to go vote for the people who try to take care of the unemployed was too much, and now the unemployed are going to lose their extensions
  8. Tracy says:
    It’s a horrible day when a law biding citizen like myself starts thinking about stealing to provide food for my family. How does this Government think we can even get to a job interview with no money to even put gas in our car, and hope we dont get into an accident on the way there because we didnt have the money to pay the insurance..We need a tier 5 extension NOW!
  9. Lionel says:
    If we lived in another country we would be storming the politians who have turned their backs on us. They have the guns, but we have the numbers is the way it works elsewhere. Americans are more afraid of their government suppresion than most other world citizens.So, we sit at our computers and gripe. As we can see…..much good it does. At this point I know I am preaching to the choir. The tier 5 was just a thread of hope. For those who predict impovershment for the rest of their lives, the best we can do is fight back by taking a good look at our own skills and talents, and at least attempt to earn money as finding a job is very unlikely. Yes, there will be untold millions seeing all of their belonings that they couldn’t pawn, tossed out on the street,as they realize that they have been pushed over the cliff by an insensitive congress, and spineless president. Families will be facing a daunting hopeless future. However, there will be boiling point, when change will be forced. For better or worse, who knows, but change will come.
  10. Sue Popkes says:
    Hello all,
    I am a computer project manager by trade and have not had regular work since 2006. In desperation I went back to school for my master’s only for the stipend provided for living expenses. I am tier 5 for unemployment and hope to keep my home until after Christmas. I understand that the government is running at a deficit, but so am I. I wish the politicians would listen and help the American people as much as they helped the auto and banking industries.
    I will graduate next spring with a master’s in management and an emphasis in project management. Any jobs out there?
  11. kw says:
    For those of you that didn’t vote or voted for the “R’s” and the “T’s” – you did it to yourselves. God help us all.
  12. Lee says:
    The benefits are barely enough to meet the needs to survive. We send billions to other countries. Americans out of work can starve and freeze? Our kids are going to have a long cold winter. There are not jobs for everyone. How many will not survive? There are not enough homeless shelters for millions of us. Shame on congress. It’s all politics as usual.Many who vote no to benefits are millionaires..who will see they keep their benefits and tax cuts. They remind me of Nazis.
  13. joejolie says:
    My Unemployment insurance was over couple of weeks ago, and don’t have rent money, though my only option now to go to city shelter, and if I don’t find job soon, then I will kill myself, hell with this life, why live, so that I can get pity handout
  14. Tom says:
    The greatest Christmas present I could ask for is that all the so called “REPRESENTATIVES” of the people who voted against the unemployment extension, have a very nice holiday and give us all an early Christmas present and don’t come back. You won’t be missed and we’ll have very little trouble finding someone more qualified to do your job. That’s bound to happen next election anyway. This gives you plenty of time to find one of the so-called plentiful jobs out there.

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