Thursday, August 19, 2010

Politics and World News: Tier 5, 99ers Update: Could Unemployment Extension Be Available to Illegal Aliens?

Politics and World News: Tier 5, 99ers Update: Could Unemployment Extension Be Available to Illegal Aliens?

Tier 5, 99ers Update: Could Unemployment Extension Be Available to Illegal Aliens?

Tier 5 99er updates are pouring in, as S3706 - the new unemployment extension - is becoming more and more pivotal. Tier 5 unemployment extension will add 20 weeks of benefits to the already available 99 weeks. The checks aren't available for everyone - only those in states with 7.5% unemployment or greater are eligible for the extension.

There are many arguments against passing another extension. All of them rest in the dollars and cents side of things - how the bill will be paid for, how it will affect the economy, how likely job growth is because of the bill, etc. Now, there's arguments that illegal aliens could be getting benefits, too!

Illegal immigration is a very hot topic in politics as well, with controversial state immigration laws popping up all over. What started in Arizona has spread to other states, including Florida.

States are supposed to have software that helps them validate claims for unemployment benefits. In Colorado, a controversial workorder was issued, shutting the software off. This allowed illegal aliens to slip through the cracks and receive unemployment checks.

With irresponsible spending rampant in the government, what hope do the Tier 5 99er supporters have of ensuring that benefits extensions are passed, when it's difficult at best to trust the state and federal governments to ensure that only qualified expenditures are paid?

Reference: National Policy Institute


Anonymous said...

When the 99ers start committing crimes to survive,; then and only then with congress and the general public give a rats ass. After all several articles have quoted CEO/CFO's states the unemployed are "Damaged Goods and Defective". So if crimes increase the unemployed can NOT be held responsible Mr/Mrs CEO/ CFO.

We are people and we are NOT !! Damaged and Defective !! We just want a Career/Job

David Bradley said...

There was a recently released video of a woman going off at a McDonalds over them not selling her chicken nuggets because it was still breakfast time. She was later reported to have been drunk at the time. The thing is you CANNOT get drunk in the morning like that if you have a job. Because if you show up to work that drunk, they will smell it on you and you'll get fired. She is obviously unemployed and possibly a 99er. She's from Ohio where the unemployment rate is 10%+. What do you all think?

Anonymous said...

There is a cost if there is an extension for the 99er's and a greater cost if there isn't. All the banks around the nation that caused the recession, while they still paid their dividends, bonuses and high salaries, should be made to pay for the unemployment benefits. You cannot tell me that they didn't know the effect of their shenanigans when they gave loans to anyone that asked. They sold off their liability as soon as they received it. They had a cash cow and knew it.

Anonymous said...

Just pass the bill and give those people a little relief. It is not their fault it is due to NAFTA, economy, past administrations, etc.,

Anonymous said...

Dave Bradley

If you caught the whole story This was at 2'30am on the morning of New Year Day

She was probably out partying on new year eve and was on her way home

what makes you think she was unemployed????

Anonymous said...

I doubt if the woman at mcdonalds is a 99er,I am a 99er and cant afford a bottle of booze. I am not kidding my wife works and we can't break even.I went back to school for dialysis tech had interview yesterday will know if i got it friday.I do not expect another extension and I've done all I can to get work.If I don't then the repo man will have to come. Received last unemployment check March 27.

Anonymous said...

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE pass the bill! I just want a good night sleep.

Anonymous said...

Enough is enough! Legal U.S citizens unite! Help take the steps to save our country take our jobs back and stop this illegal immigrant invasion. Support our cause before illegal immigrant criminals have more rights than us. This is our last stand! If other online articles report unemployment is around 20% and there are 310 million in the U.S census reports. Then there is as many as 62 million people in the U.S that are unemployed & are able to work fulltime. Do we have to reach 150 million unemployed before we take action? Also we must take steps to lower local city and state councilmen salaries too they are all robbing & hurting the people they serve. So please read and sign this online petition. "Petition to Reduce the Wages of Congress Men and Women from $174,000 per year to $50,000 per year at “’. " Link is below!

Pass it on!

Anonymous said...

So many of us are struggling. I have worked all of my life my last job for 18 years until they relocated out of state. We are living on my cashed out 401k. I have a college degree and now have resorted to appling at temp agencies and they too do not have jobs. Down and out in California, what is the country becoming?

Harold said...

Where do they find the money? Why don't they look at the close to $2 Billion available because they overestimated the cost of the new Census? The Census will be worthless anyway, because close to 3 million Americans will no longer live where they did when the census was taken.

Unfortunately, the Senate knows about this money, and already have a plan to burn it on I.O.U. legislation for the benefit of their pals and banks.

Also: A contingency appropriation was set aside for any cost overruns that may have occurred with the Census. Think we'll ever hear the amount of this contingent reserve, or what happened to it? NOT LIKELY!

Tell your childred and grand children this simple rule: IF YOU WANT TO LIVE LIKE A REPUBLICAN, VOTE DEMOCRAT!

Anonymous said...

I have worked since I was 16yrs. old I'm 40yrs. old now, I have 3 kids and have never been on welfare and after exhausting my unemployment benefits I was told to go get on welfare..WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO...HELP US IN LAS VEGAS

Anonymous said...

The government needs to start looking at us like PEOPLE instead of numbers!!! We have families to support and can not wait around until they come back from vacation and then argue for months whether or not to extend UI benefits!!!!

Just like the rest, I have worked 35 years for lose it all and be told I'm lazy!! I love living off 60% of my salary while sitting around watching my world colapse around me!!! House is gone...401K repo' money for rent, utilities or food!!! Yes this is the life I worked to obtain for all those years!!! At least let us keep our dignity!!!

Why is it SO hard to help the people of this country?! We are not looking for a hand out just what we have paid into for decades!!!
This bill should have been passed BEFORE they went on yet another vacation.

Anonymous said...

Look, I've told everyone before, if you find a job pending on your state, you're really lucky. I live in CT so their really ain't that much opportunities here in the Northeast. Plus, if you find a job, it's at low pay in a state that taxes you to death! And as far as the unemployment bill for 99ers go, they are using that for the upcoming elections. Really think about. They want this to be national news so that the whole wide media talks about who's right and who's wrong about unemployment extensions when really the right thing is a no brainer. You have to support the unemployed who didn't create the mess in the first place! And it's becoming quite clear to me now. I'm starting to think that could it be possible that our own elected officials hate the American people? Could that be possible? I think so. I've been saying it for a while. They are trying to destroy this country!! OPEN UP YOUR FUCKIN EYES!!!

Anonymous said...

The fact that someone can say the 99ers will be forced into crime is a crock! Only an immoral and pathetic person would sit and say that they will go to a life of crime if something isn't passed. I work in UI and deal with those people who are trying their best to find employment, and I have complete faith that the majority would not even consider crime as a way of life. Shame on those who would!

Anonymous said...

1)Why should unemployed American citizens be punished because some companies violated the law by hiring illegal aliens? The companies that violated the law should be fined and their executives held criminally liable!
2) If a state employee issues a “controversial work order”, that employee should be held legally and criminally liable! You don’t punish honest citizens because of corrupt or incompetent government officials.
3) The 99’rs are people who lost their jobs through no fault of their own. Meanwhile, there are top ranking company officials still collecting paychecks; while their former employees have nothing. This is mainly due to the BAILOUTS that have been provided by the TAXPAYERS money. No politician complained about “balancing the budget” when the money was used to help their rich friends.
4) Take a look at the abusive use of the bailout money. BONUSES were paid to executives who were responsible for running their companies into the ground. Money was spent on company perks like “weekend” vacations. It was all “business as usual” and paid for by American taxpaying citizens. After all of the corruption that occurred with the “bailout money”, these politicians shouldn’t dare to deny benefits because “Illegal aliens might get some of the funds”. It’s the RESPOSIBILITY of our state and federal officials to see to it that these monies are distributed properly. It’s about time that they got off their lazy a$$e$ and EARNED their paychecks.

Anonymous said...

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