Sunday, September 26, 2010


I, who always talk about forgiveness have recently learned a lesson on just that. Looking deep within ourselves is sometimes so very hard, because sometimes somewhere within the deep recesses of our being we have buried bias and self righteousness. I was wronged. Therefore I am right. We think we have it handled, but we don't. If unforgivably exists, you cannot truly possess love.
Forgiveness is essential to being true to oneself. I not only speak of the every day wrongs done to us, but also of major life changing wrongs. Hurts that have slashed our very souls, the betrayal of the one you love, the betrayal of a parent. What does a child do when a parent abandons them? They are lost in the universe. This is the worst of hurts, for a child is helpless. Yet, as the child grows and becomes an adult, somewhere along the line, this child must truly forgive the parent and love him. To truly forgive is nothing less than leaving the past behind. Otherwise, the child is doomed to carry those heavy chains throughout its entire life. By forgiving and loving, the chains magically drop off and the child is freed from bondage. Something so difficult to do, but so necessary. Most times the child needs the help of a professional to accomplish this greatest of challenges, but it must be done.
Harm done by others can have devastating effects on one's life. I maintain that this is the root of most mental illness. Furthermore, I maintain that it is not mental illness, but rather emotional illness. This is the toll abuse has taken. I maintain that forgiveness and love can bring freedom, for you see, I was that child.
Yet in everyday life forgiveness plays a most important role. Love is paramount in all we do. I do not come first, you do. When we meet someone we dislike, or possibly detest, watch out. That person is mirroring something in you that must be corrected. Don't hate them, but rather give thanks, for it is time for self examination. If you do not receive forgiveness from another, if hard feelings persist, bless them and let them go, but love them.
We are learning that it is not just me that is most important, for we are all connected in this wonderful universe. We share the same air and that air is nothing less than the breath of God. He created the universe and everything in it. We are his creation, his very own image and likeness and we all live in his arms. So why do we fight? Fighting is nothing less than selfishness. It is the baby saying, "Mine!"
I see humanity evolving into love, but ever so slowly. If we would all just get it, there would be no suffering, because we would truly care for each other. In doing so we would honor God, and then we would truly learn the meaning of the words "To thine own self be true." John Valadez

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