Green Products Blog - Sanyo eneloop Batteries, News, Reviews and More. | ||
Earth Day Sales at At we’re celebrating Earth Day by offering specials on green, eco-friendly products that both minimize our impact on the earth and add simplicity to our own lives. We and our customers have come to realize that many of the green products we can use to help the environment can at the same time make our own routines more economical and practical. One way to cut down on waste, and on our own expenses, is to use reusable bags, reusable mugs, and rechargeable batteries. In honor of Earth Day we’re offering the following specials to make it easier than ever for people to make these simple changes. PowerGenix NiZn Rechargeable Battery Earth Day Special.PowerGenix and DepotEco have teamed up to bring you an extra special Earth Daydeal. & will be offering the extremely popular Powergenix 5-Hour Fast Charger with 8 AA 1.6v Rechargeable NiZn Battery “Special” for just $24.99 a savings of $7.00 more than 20% off! ( Limit 4 per household) also available at Depoteco@Amazon or our Amazon Shop Contigo AUTOSEAL MugsEarth Day week 2010 purchase a Indigo Blue Contigo AUTOSEAL Mug for only $9.99 rather than the regular $18.99 price (limited 2 per household while supplies last). The Stainless Steel AUTOSEAL Mug has a double wall, is vacuum-insulated and has a 100% leak proof lid that seals after every sip.Rayovac PS3 Universal Smart Battery Charger with one AAA Rayovac Hybrid Four packThis Year has acquired the remaining USA inventory of the now discontinued but extremely popular Rayovac PS3 Universal Smart Battery Charger! So we are going to offer them to you for the price of $28.99 and throw in one 4 pack of Rayovac Hybrid AAA NiMh LSD Rechargeable Batteries for $7.99. (limited to four per household while supplies last $36.98 Total)Rayovac PS3 Universal Smart Battery Charger only at and _____________________________________________________________________ With these eco-friendly products you can greatly reduce your use of disposable cups and Alkaline Batteries, but these aren’t the only changes we want to help you make this year. Our sincere hope is that these Earth Day specials will help you to make some simple changes this year that are completely practical and will also minimize your footprint on the earth. We at thank you for your interest in green, eco-friendly products and wish you a great Earth Day. -Creative Productions online stores ( ,, eneloop PRO store, and Depoteco@Amazon Also Visit us on Facebook here Depoteco on Facebook Tags: Contigo Auto Seal Mug, Earth Day 2010, Earth Day Online Sales, earthday, eco bag, eco gifts, eneloop, eneloop power pack, free AAA battereis, NiZn Sale, PowerGenix, PowerGenix on Sale, PS3 Smart Charger, Rayovac ps3, Smart Charger 12 Responses to “Earth Day Sales at”Leave a Reply | ||
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010
john valadez -
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March 20th, 2009 at 6:37 pm DepotEco ROCKS, last year you told me about Eneloop Batteries. Hey Depoteco, is that the blue plastic shipping container? I know they are only packaging but they are really convenient. The latches are the only thing that require a little care. Mine are still way too good to throw away. It seem much better than blister packs. In fact the blister packed batteries now live in the blue boxes. And by the way, how much are the power packs going to be? Is the sale the same as last year, just 24 hours? Can I preorder a green mug?
March 20th, 2009 at 6:47 pm Yup. the very same one. Also it will not be around much longer it looks like so get them while you can. Sanyo is up to some changes, not only will the prices increase on eneloop batteries in June, but we will see some other changes in packaging and such..
So just remember the prices on eneloops are scheduled to go up from Japan in June..
Happy Earth Day 2009.
March 23rd, 2009 at 12:03 pm Holy Crap!…. That’s awesome, Ill be inline early for these.. That green Mug is way cool. I have only seen it on Contigo’s web site. DepotEco you guys always seem to know the products we want need!. keep it up..
See you on Earth day 2009
March 28th, 2009 at 6:24 pm [...] Earth Day 2009 Sale! Green products discounted for earth day – | Green Products Blog &a…. [...]
April 8th, 2009 at 5:01 pm I have been trying to get a green Contigo mug. PLEASE save me one. There are a lot of different Earth Day celebrations at the end of April, what day are we supposed to order to qualify for the specials? Is this a test? I don’t want to miss out on the Chico Bag either.
April 10th, 2009 at 2:10 pm What time will the sale start? Will it be midnight eastern, or midnight pacific? Thanks.
April 10th, 2009 at 3:33 pm Great Question Brandon,
We are a Pacific CO. So you can get the Earth Day Deals April 22 2009 Starting at 12:00 a..m PDT. West Coast time.
April 10th, 2009 at 9:44 pm Thank you!
April 10th, 2009 at 10:24 pm Thanks for having another great earth day sale! I got my powerpack last year and love it! I can’t wait to get a free Chicobag. I see here in the blog you’re giving away a black bag, is that different from the ones you sell on the site, just wondering….those green mugs are cool too! See you at midnight on earthday
April 12th, 2009 at 4:29 pm Hey Michele,
Great to have you back!.
Yes we are giving away the Chicobag Vita they have our Logo
The Vita bag is a larger bag with a different design.
We sell the RePETe Chicobag. The one that’s made from 7 plastic bottles.
So the free-bee is a bigger Chicobag the” Vita “, is made of durable woven polyester. Fabric allows for easy opening and stuffing. No special folding is required.
Enjoy the free Chicobag! and pick up some rePETe Chicobags because they are made from Recycled materials.. And the more of them we sell the more bottles we can keep out of land fills.
See you on Earth Day!. Thanks again for shopping Green Products at Depoteco.
April 12th, 2009 at 4:48 pm thanks for responding..oh and I also meant to ask, I’ve been using the eneloops and I love them , do the rayovac hybrid batteries work the same way?
April 12th, 2009 at 10:17 pm The Rayovac LSD Hybrid batteries are very similar to Sanyo eneloop. They don’t have quite as much life in high drain devices so we recommend the Hybrid battery for everything but the high drain Cameras and such. But really they work the same you may have to charge them sooner. They are a bit cheaper than the eneloop. We use our eneloops in Camera Security devices Keyboard Mouse etc.. We use Rayovac Hybrid in our Flashlights, Remote controls and other low use low drain devices.. Great way to save some more money on batteries and still use Great LSD NiMH Rechargeable Batteries.