Craigslist, an universal database arranged as both an advertisement service and discussion forums, is often considered the Internet equivalent of classified ads. Craigs list offers a wide range of services, goods, romance activities, events postings as well as advice. Craigslist historyIn 1995, the very first post on Craiglist was done. For the most part Craig Newmark did they vast majority of submission to the site himself. Most of the earlier postings to this site were in regards to social events and similar topics leaning more towards the Internet industry in the San Francisco area. It was not too long after got its start that word of mouth had caused this tremendous site to grow beyond the expectations of the founder Craig Newmark. Many people were at this time using the website for non-event postings. At this time visitors to the site were often trying to fill job positions. This seemed to be an excellent way for companies to reach the people that would best benefit the individual industries. This is how the category jobs became to have a permanent place on Craigslist. Soon after the website became a popular site, the founder decide it was time for him to be a full time addition to his website. The high demand for this particular classified ad grew into a website that was beyond all others that were found on the Internet With many daily visitors it was now time to enlist some help to keep this site up to date and as easily flowing as it could be. By the end of the first quarter in 2000, Craigslist now employed nine people. This popular websites employees were employed and ran this website from Craig Newmark's home in San Francisco. They were located on Cole Street. It has been stated that the reason Craigslist is so popular is due to the people that utilize the website are able to have a voice. Pretty much proving if the people are giving a voice in the industry it can rapidly grow into something spectacular. Offering honesty, integrity and a feeling of trustworthiness is the key factors in Craigslist. Take all of that and then add in an easy to use website, and viola. You have an excellent top ranking website, that everyone can enjoy. There was a higher demand for many new categories on the website. The viewers of Craigslist were by now growing even more. Looking for different services, it was now apparent that Craigslist was among the most popular website to find things. The popular website was in need of a domain name, this was when the site was registered as and This was a preventative measure to ensure the name Craigs list could not be used for anything else. Craigslist awards and pricesSince its start, Craigslis has received many awards: - NYPRESS: 2003, Best Local Website, by Manhattan Reader's Poll - Webby: 2001, Best Community Site, by the Academy - Webby: 2001, Best Community Site, by the People's Voice - PC World : 2006, Best Product (3rd place) Craigslist controversiesMost often the source of controversy arises when individuals post within the wrong categories. These posts are then flagged and on many occasions, certain individuals will post negatively about the poster. Many times affiliate marketers flood the board, which is strictly forbidden by Craigslist. Craigs lists's Terms of Use state: that no content content "that constitutes or contains 'affiliate marketing,'...that constitutes or contains any form of advertising or solicitation if: posted in areas of the craigslist sites which are not designated for such purposes...[or] that includes links to commercial services or web sites, except as allowed in 'services.'" Many people use automated programs that post these advertisements for them. But please note that these posts are always removed and almost immediately! Be aware of this before trying to post content that isn't allowed on this site. Find more creative ways to market yourself and ensure that your posts stay active. History of Craigslist expansion:3/1995: SF Bay Area6/2000: Boston 8/2000: Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Portland, San Diego, Seattle, Washington DC 10/2000: Sacramento 4/2001: Atlanta, Austin, Denver, Vancouver 10/2002: Miami, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, Phoenix 4/2003: Dallas, Detroit, Houston, London, Toronto 11/2003: Baltimore, Cleveland, Honolulu, Las Vegas, New Orleans, Pittsburgh, Raleigh, St. Louis, Tampa Bay 1/2004: Montreal, Providence 2/2004: Nashville, Charlotte, Cincinnati, Columbus, Fresno, Hartford, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Milwaukee, Norfolk, Orlando 9/2004: Albuquerque, Anchorage, Boise, Buffalo, Memphis, Salt Lake, Santa Barbara, Manchester, Edinburgh, Dublin, Melbourne, Sydney 11/2004: Albany, Amsterdam, Bangalore, Eugene, Inland Empire, Monterey Bay, Omaha, Orange County, Ottawa, Paris, Reno, San Antonio, Sao Paulo, Singapore, Spokane, Tokyo, Tucson, Tulsa 1/2005: Auckland, Bakersfield, Belfast, Berlin, Brisbane, Brussels, Burlington, Calgary, Cardiff, Des Moines, Edmonton, Glasgow, Jacksonville, Louisville, Richmond, Stockton, Winnipeg 2/2005: Birmingham UK, Buenos Aires, Columbia, Manila, Mexico City, Rome, Seoul 3/2005: Zurich 4/2005: Allentown, Barcelona, Birmingham AL, Cape Town, Delhi, Hong Kong, Lexington KY, Little Rock, Madison, Maine, Modesto, Mumbai, New Haven, New Jersey, Rochester, Shanghai, Stockholm, West Palm Beach, Wichita 6/2005: Adelaide AU, Ann Arbor, Asheville, Athens GR, Bangkok, Beijing, Champaign-Urbana, Charleston SC, Chico, Dayton, Delaware, El Paso, Florence IT, Fort Myers, Frankfurt, Geneva, Grand Rapids, Halifax, Harrisburg, Humboldt, Istanbul, Jackson MS, Jerusalem, Johanessburg, Lima Peru, Madrid, Milan, Moscow, Munich, New Hampshire, Oklahoma City, Osaka, Perth AU, Prague, Puerto Rico, Redding, Rio De Janeiro, San Luis Obispo, Santiago, Saskatoon, Syracuse NY, Tallahassee, Tel Aviv, Tijuana, Vienna, Western Massachusetts, Victoria BC, West Virginia 7/2005: Costa Rica, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming 9/2005: Baton Rouge, Bristol UK, Chennai IN, Ithaca, Knoxville, Leeds UK, Liverpool UK, Mobile, Montgomery, Newcastle UK, Pensacola, Quebec, Savannah, Shreveport, Toledo 1/2006: Bellingham WA, Cairo Egypt, Chattanooga TN, Colorado Springs CO, Gainesville FL, Hamilton ON, Kitchener ON, Hyderabad India, Lansing MI, Medford OR, Oxford UK, Palm Springs CA, Santa Fe NM, Taipei China, Ventura CA 6/2006: springfield MO, columbia MO, rockford IL, peoria IL, springfield IL, quad cities IL/IA, fort wayne IN, evansville IN, south bend IN, bloomington IN, gulfport-biloxi MS, huntsville AL, salem OR, bend OR, london ON, windsor ON, fort lauderdale FL, sarasota FL, daytona beach FL, cape cod MA, worcester MA, green bay WI, eau claire WI, appleton-oshkosh WI, flagstaff AZ, yakima WA, utica NY, binghamton NY, hudson valley NY, long island NY, akron-canton OH, youngstown OH, greenville SC, myrtle beach SC, duluth MN, augusta GA, macon GA, athens GA, flint MI, saginaw MI, kalamazoo MI, upper peninsula MI, mcallen TX, beaumont TX, corpus christi TX, brownsville TX, lubbock TX, odessa TX, amarillo TX, waco TX, laredo TX, winston-salem NC, fayetteville NC, wilmington NC, erie PA, scranton PA, penn state PA, reading PA, lancaster PA, topeka KS, new london CT, lincoln NE, lafayette LA, lake charles LA, merced CA, south jersey NJ, fort collins CO, roanoke VA, charlottesville VA, blacksburg VA, provo UT, fayetteville AR, rocky mountains, micronesia, helsinki FI, warsaw PL, oslo NO, naples IT, jakarta ID, marseilles FR, kolkata IN, budapest HU, caracas VE, hamburg DE, pakistan, bangladesh, beirut LB, malaysia, panama, caribbean, portugal, christchurch NZ, wellington NZ, durban ZA, prince edward island, newfoundland, cote d'azur Disclaimer: This site is in no way affiliated with, it's for informational purposes only. 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Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Craigslist info - all you need to know about
Craigslist info - all you need to
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