American Jobs Now! Right to works act 2011.U.S Green Laws.

We the People of the United States of America. Unite to Draft a Proposed "Hogans Law" (Article A1) Developed Smart Solar Solutions A non profit company for the people .A place of information and services with one goal connect people with real Solar and Wind Solutions,Government up dates,grants and loans,Educational training for a new workforce.The bridge is going to help make real change the opportunity is now we cannot return to our old ways we must learn from the current events.1bDonate to Smart solar solutions at Its time our nation gives the Natives a holiday for their part in the invasion of the Americas there time has come. My great grandmother was a Navajo from New Mexico Brought to California By my grandfather a Spaniard a true Pocahontas American love story.This is where my book begins something has arose in me from above a calling lets say.frustrated with the Politicians,Oil Industry,also Banking Businesses,Greedy Americans.,concerned about the environment and our country's guided by mass media.Get educated read some old books see our true history at your nearest library.Separation of church and state has blinded our education and the values this country was founded on. Look up real Americans with Individualism .Hoover is a true founder of what America is all about.I believe in work it give us the feeling of purpose and meaning.It is what gives us balance health and pride.I was out of work for two years as a General contractor .I exhausted all my unemployment benefits. I am praying for a tier 5 to pass.Congress is on vacation while I'm collecting can to pay rent."RANDOM IDEAS"Forgive dept stimulate Shop at a mass peoples store. This is your ebaystore every 100 Usd you spend you become a share holder to create revenues The seven years that bad credit stays should be cut in half this would start next year. This will be my starting point on spreading my message of Green jobs Now.I dedicate these laws to all the generations before us and after.environmental Law to stimulate and create much needed Jobs. Native Navajo Americans called Hogans. "A Sacred Place" in respect of Mother Earth.(Article A2)Cities with Populations over one Hundred Thousand. Required To Implicate a Blueprint for Smart Solar Technology's . Share and calibrate with other cities.25% of that Cities Public Schools Hospitals,and Law enforcement agency's. With back up solar and wind generators to be used as learning tools for the future generations.(Article A3)All Interstate highways needed of Repairs to repave with Smart Infrastructure's Bank Solar asphalt Roads .Work being studied at the Ranch of "Green Zone Solutions"in Riverbank ca. Peter founder of Palominos and Sons inc. In cooperation with Val-Con Builders and others are devoted to only green building John Valadez writes in his book Sunny and Breezy Pg 37 chapter 2 why should Banks,oil companies,and wall street make a profit of a billions of dollars when our Smart Roads paid for by a Infrastructures bank that all the profits would pay for rebuilding America.The roads would create enough energy to power up half of the vehicles on the road profits could pay our Health care,Social Security,deficit, and many other agencies.Information text..Resources needed. A Re-used rubber with recycled glass to repave roads that are much need of repairs.Providing much need jobs that will endure for many generations to come. Family's will in these jobs like in the coal collectors to run its Vehicles Highways, Our Highways will be Solar Collectors with recharging blue-tooth abilities, allowing the car to charge on the road never having to stop at a refilling station.(Article B1) Emergency Service Routes or main streets. Retro and Convert Street Lamp, Lights,Signs with Smart Solar Solutions Panels and smart com sat battery's to connect to Smart Street Grid.A emergency power and communication stop, Click to Help Create Jobs and a Safer America. (Articles B2)At select Freeways,Expressways,Parking's Garages etc. Every One hundred square miles Rest Stops Install a electronic Tolling system to charge a fee of One dollar. Except for three or more Passengers. Hybrid vehicles vehicles built here in America reopen closed auto factory's..(Article b2) Banks holding Foreclosed Homes fees of One Hundred Dollars unless Weatherization has been performed and approved.(Article B3)When the Census is out in the Community's.Information on latest Smart Solar Solutions.Spread the message.Examples Roofs Every One Square Mile Roof Replacements To Solar and Fees for those who had not complied with Weatherization. (Article C1).Creative lottery Gov. Sponsored Liquor and Tobacco/marijuana Lottery and tax. To cover Health Care and Schools Roads Bridges etc.(Article C3) Oil Company's and Trucks that deliver fuel at Tolls ,Twenty-Dollars .Convert Government Vehicles to Electric Cars that Travel less than 20 miles a day in rural areas,such as U.S Mail trucks ,Social Workers ,City Services ,Parks etc.Drive only U.S Built Electric cars or Alternative fuel ed Vehicles.(Article D1)Implicate a Green Point Fund System.For those effected bye Tolls or new Taxes get discounts at Merchant Stores,Get Green Rewards Buy products Eco Friendly neighborhood .Wall-Mart or Central Valley Automotive Credits.Business rewards. Our Towns where Emergency Services don't have always depend on Utility Company's.This would Protect Jobs,Environment.and Americas Power Grid . A less likely Target.Also Banks that have Vacant Foreclosed Homes a fee of one Hundred Dollars a day.Unless renovations to Weatherized or upgrade Energy Efficient ." "Gulf of Mexico Restorations act.Ground Zero.No drilling for 100 years. I am a Contractor From Modesto ca,Val-Con Builders Coop Palomino & Sons inc..Twenty years of building in the Central Valley.Yes I was effected By the Economy. Hard Hit By Modesto,Ca .I was Inspired by Our President who inherited a mess and is cleaning house. The only one with a Broom in his Agenda cleaning up while others want to blame him For this Recession. In the face of adversary Fearlessly fights for every day Americans like me. I Think those who Oppose him Should get in or get out.Also where the oil spill is at we need to put in its place, the most advanced wind powered wind mill. Unite for all Americans Because together we can Keep America strong for many generations to come .God Bless America.Hogans Law is a idea suggestions please add after all its your law! I need donations of services and goods.I am currently finishing my Business degree.I am 99er unemployed again and now more than ever I need some work.The gov. should bail us out with small business loans of $50.000 to get back on our feet. How much longer can we hold on. Honorable President please help! is a great place to share ideas and doing provide a service to help people make change . Thank you.Rebuild there souls and .I need to create a web site to that focuses on my vision of building the bridge to a green nation.I need web designers,lawyers ,scientist,politicians etc.God Bless this Nation and all who dwell in it.I live for my family and there family's to come. We are worried about this oil spill to take our minds off the real problems of the poisons of the aftermath.
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U.S green Laws Now!
A ponderous Senate,I sit in the poorhouse,Devine calling,my yiel
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